The Party and The Surprise

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Title: The Party and The Surprise
Description: The party is happening and you have your cute little entrance where everyone looks at you and sees how pretty you are and then- wait- who invited him to the party?
Warnings: No warnings???
You woke up at 7:00am and went to the kitchen to get breakfast. There you found Bucky, Steve, Natasha, and Thor. "Morning Y/N." They all said to you. "Morning guys." You said before making yourself some coffee. "Are you ready for your party later on today?" Thor asked. "As ready as I will ever be." You said before sitting down with them. "We heard you invited Spider boy." Bucky said with a smirk. "Uh- Yeah as a friend." You told him. "Why not as your date?" Bucky teased. "Because we are only friends. Besides I don't have a date and I won't have one." You told him. "Why not?" Steve asked. "Because I don't know anyone who would want to be my date for the party." You admitted. "You don't need a date Y/N don't let these boys bother you. Its 2018 girls don't need dates to enjoy parties." Natasha says winking at you. "Thanks Nat." You said sipping your coffee. "Have you picked out what you are going to wear Lady Y/N?" Thor asked. "Yeah I went through like 10 dresses before I found out which one I wanted." You told him. "Any dress would look lovely on you." He replied. "Woah maybe Thor should be your date." Bucky said smirking. "He wishes." You mumbled before drinking from your mug. "What was that?" Thor asked. "Oh nothing." You chuckled.
Later on the day you caught up with Wanda and you were helping her pick out a dress for the party. "I can't pick one, they are all so beautiful on you." You tell Wanda. "Thanks Y/N, what color did you pick out for your dress?" She asked you. "Mine is a secret I don't wanna spoil it." You said winking at her. "Well what color should I do?" She asked. "Red, it suits you." You tell her and she pulls out a long red lacy dress. "Do that one." You told her. "Thanks for helping me out Y/N, I don't really have girl time with Natasha cause she is always busy on missions." She admitted. "Its all good, I actually like hanging out with you too." You said to her helping her get ready. "If you don't mind me asking, everyone in the tower wonders this, but who did you live with before coming here?" She asked. "My grandma... before she passed." You sighed. "What about your parents?" She asked. "I never met them. They left me with my grandma." You told her trying not to cry. "I'm sorry I shouldn't have asked..." she said and you interrupted her. "No it's fine, I should talk more about it than I do." You told her. "If it makes you feel any better I use to have a twin brother." She said to you. "Do you ever miss her?" She added on. "A lot... I still have some of her things though, books mainly, but they keep memories of her." You tell her. "So are you and Vision going together to the party?" You asked her, trying to change the subject. "Oh- Yeah we are going together." She said nervously. "Good he seems like he really makes you happy, I hope one day I will have someone like that for me." You tell her and she smiles before saying "And you will have that somebody. I promise."
You ended up heading back into your bedroom and pulled your dress out before laying it on your bed so you can change into it later. Then suddenly you feel a presence but it was off. Not like someone was in the room but something was drawing your attention to the bookshelf. You have had feelings like this before but it was very faint. It has never been this strong before. You start pulling down books, throwing them into the floor to try and find whatever was calling you out. You soon grabbed a book, specifically one of your grandmas old ones and you felt it, it was the book. You sit down in the middle of the floor and opened the book. There you found a note from your grandma....
I know this is going to seem weird that you are reading this, but if you are I am dead and you finally figured out that this book has been reaching out to you since my death. You know our powers can do many things but you are unaware of all of your powers abilities. This book will guide you, do not question it. Make me proud my beautiful granddaughter. Much love from your grandma."
You read it and and almost cried but then Wanda opens the door and says "Y/N hurry up or you will be late!" She said before closing the door and you quickly got ready and pulled your bangs back and curled all your hair.
"Everyone may I present to you our new trainee, Y/N L/N." Tony said and everyone clapped. You walked out and everyone cheered you on and some shocked at your beauty. You bowed and and then everyone gasped. You looked around and saw Loki in a tux walking up to you. "Would you think I would miss this lovely event?" He asked looking at you and reaches an arm out to you. "Loki!" Thor growled before making his way to you two. "Thor calm down." You told him. "He shouldn't be here! He will run off!" He said mad. "Brother I am just here to show my support to Y/N." Loki said. "Y/N I told you not to go back to that room!" Thor said with disappointment in his voice. "Thor I-" you started but then Tony cuts in and says "Alright listen up, since its Y/N's night, Loki can stay but when this is over he is going back to his cell. Ok?" He said out loud. "Sounds fair." Loki said. "I will be keeping an eye on you, brother." Thor said with anger. You grabbed Loki's arm and walked to the dance floor where you two were slow dancing like everyone else. "Way to make an entrance." You said to him. "It's kind of my thing." He winked. You two danced for a while but you kept getting distracted by the thought of the note that your grandma left you, and the book. "Is something wrong?" Loki asked. "Uh- Yeah everything is fine." You tell him but he did not seem convinced. "Stop lying, you seem troubled." He said but then Steve taps on his shoulder and says "Mind if I cut in?" He asked. "I do mi-" Loki began but you cut him off "I would love to dance with you Steve. Loki I'll talk to you later okay?" You asked and Loki took the hint and left. You and Steve began to dance and he says "Loki? Really?" And you rolled your eyes. "Loki is just a friend Steve. I didn't even expect him to show up." You told him. "None of us thought he would." He chuckled. "I don't want Thor to be mad at me." You sighed. "He won't stay mad for long." He tried to reassure you. "I hope you're right." You told him. "By the way I like your dress." Steve says. "Thanks." You smiled. You looked around and saw Wanda dancing with Vision, Pepper dancing with Tony, Natasha dancing with Bruce, and Thor with Loki and Peter talking about who knows what. Everyone seemed so happy tonight. You liked it. Then you felt that feeling again. Just as strong as last time, so you had to excuse yourself back to your room.

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