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Title: Pietro
Description: Reader tries to find a way for Pietro to get out of the death dimension and so she goes to Wanda and finally tells her about it.
Warnings: Reader x Pietro, Violence, Fluff?
A week later after the last chapter...
You woke up early this morning and walked down to the kitchen where you found Wanda, Bucky, and Thor. "Morning guys." You said out loud. "Morning." They replied. You have been working hard to get Pietro out of his dimension but you knew you were going to need help. Today was the day you were going to tell Wanda about Pietro. Boy was she probably going to be mad. "Hey uh Wanda can we go talk alone?" You asked. "Yeah sure." She said before you both went into the lounge. "Listen I have been keeping something from you... I never wanted to but I didn't want to tell you until I found more things out and-" you were cut off by Wanda "Just tell me Y/N." She said and you sighed. "I met Pietro..." you said quietly. "Pietro? But he is dead? Don't mess with my feelings like that Y/N it's not funny!" She growled. "No I'm serious... You see, I went to the afterlife dimension and he was there-" and you explained everything to her. "How long did you know I could see him again?" She asked fist clenched. "Wanda I-" She cut you off again "How long Y/N?!" She yelled. "2 months.. But Wanda I-" She refused to listen to you, she picked you up with her powers and threw you across the room with a loud thud. Then everyone came running in, Bucky went over to you and helped you up. "What the hell is going on Maximoff?" Tony asked. "She knew Pietro could come back and she kept it a secret!" Wanda yelled. "Wanda I couldn't tell you because he can't get out! Thats why I took so long to tell you! I was trying to find a way to get him out myself and I can't!" You yelled at her. "Save it you could have told me sooner!" She said angry before she grabbed kitchen knifes with her powers and aimed them at you and Bucky blocked all of them with his metal arm. "Wanda calm down and come with me please." Vision said reaching a hand out to her. She grabs his hand and walks away off to her room. "Are you okay?" Bucky asked. "I'm fine... I need to go talk to someone..." you said before opening a portal and walking through it. There you found Loki sitting on the floor like always. "What was all the commotion about?" He asked. "No time to explain but Loki can you help me figure out how to get someone out of the afterlife dimension?" You asked him. "Sounds like you will need a large amount of power to get said person out." Loki said. "Find the source of your powers and use it to your full extent." He added. "Thanks Loki I owe you one." You tell him before going through the portal back to your room and you found Bucky in there "Cap told me to come check on you." He said sitting down on the bed. "I'm fine, I actually have to go find the source of my powers." You tell him. "Well Tony and Steve made it very clear that I had to keep an eye on you for now on." He said. "Oh come on it will only take a second." You tell him. "A second is all it takes for us to lose you." He says. "Fine you can come with me." You sighed before opening a white portal. You looked through it and saw the most peaceful yet powerful feeling place ever. This had to be it. "These portals can be unpredictable so just be prepared." You told him and he nods. You grab his hand and enter the portal. You heard whispers, loud ones. "Don't you hear that?" You asked him. "Hear what? Its completely silent." He said confused. "Whispers." You said as you walked cautiously closer to where you heard the whispers. The dimension looked like a unrealistic peaceful forest with the most beautiful pinkish orange sky. You walked across the river on stepping stones and Bucky followed you. "Are you sure you know where you are going?" He asked curious. Then you reached a waterfall and you saw someone familiar walking behind it. You quickly followed them and looked inside. It was your grandma. Your eyes lit up. "Grandma? Is that really you?" You asked smiling. "My dear! You found us!" She said walking over to you and holding you. "Grandma I need a favor." You said and you saw many old ancestors coming up behind your grandma. "Yes my dear?" She asked. "I need to bring someone back from the afterlife dimension. I need all of your help." You told them. "Y/N you know that there will be a price to pay for bringing someone back." She said. "What is it?" You asked curiously. "Someone will come for you and make you pay for what you brought back. And trust me you do not want them to come for you my dear. They will take everything you have. But even worse, you will feel terrible pain." She said in a worried voice. "But I have to bring Pietro back grandma. I have to, please help me out with this." You begged her. "I can never say no to you my beautiful Y/N.. But you be careful with this power we are giving you." She says before all of them transferred all the magic to your locket. You hugged her goodbye before leaving with Bucky. "What the hell was that?" He asked. "The source. My ancestors." You told him. "We should really go get Pietro now." You told him before opening the portal to the afterlife dimension. You walked through right into Pietro's bedroom where he was sitting on his bed. He stands up and walks over before pulling you into a kiss and says "I missed you." You chuckled played with his hair but then you heard someone clearing their throat. Oh right... Bucky was watching you through the portal. "Who is he?" He asked curiously. "Pietro meet Bucky. He is helping me get you out of here today." You tell him and Pietro's eyes lit up "Really?" He asked. "Really. Now lets get you out of here." You said before you put your hand up and then the veil between the afterlife dimension and your dimension disappeared. "Hurry." You said focusing on your powers. You grabbed his hand and pulled him through to the portal with a bit of a struggle but you got in back out. He was standing in your dimension now. Portal closed, his eyes lit up and he pulls you into a kiss. You pushed him away as you felt the feeling of bullets going through your body. The same way Pietro died. You fell to the floor, arms shaking and pain everywhere. "Y/N!" Pietro said picking you up and Bucky leaves to notify everyone else. Then you blacked out.
You woke up in the Stark Tower emergency room. You heard arguing. "This is all your fault Silver Boy!" Bucky growled. "Me? She is the one who decided to bring me back!" He growled back. "Stop fighting both of you!" Steve said. "Oh don't stop on my account." You said weakly smiling at them. "Oh my god are you okay?" Pietro asked. "I am now." You smiled at him. "You brought him back even though it could have risked your life." Wanda says. "I did it for you, and for Pietro." You told her. "Thank you Y/N I'm so sorry I threw you around in anger." She said frowning. "It's alright." You told her. "Uh yeah- no more bringing people back from the dead kiddo. You really scared us." Clint said. "What? You didn't see that coming?" You asked chuckling.

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