Wolf Blood: Heat Pulse

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POV: Zurie

"I told you to stay out of my territory you runt!" My father threw me across the foyer.

"I was coming to get my things. I am sorry." I cried out as the pain surged through my small and fragile figure.

He ran after me and pinned me against the wall as I watched the black veins travel through his arm and to his hand that was holding me up by the neck, taking my privilege to breathe.

"On second thought. I don't want anyone to know that the King's daughter is a defect in the bloodline, so let's go ahead and fix that now, shall we?" His whole arm started to turn black from the amount of venom he was pulsing through his veins.

"Please, no." I struggled out. Kaylyn will die without me. She's too young to handle it.

My father clicked his tongue with a smirk and in a split second my eldest brother teleported behind my father. "Can you handle her? I have a meeting to get to. I want her head severed and placed on my desk. Dispose of her body as you please." My father let go of his grip and I fell straight to the floor.

Nothing better than being the youngest child in the family. The youngest is always the weakest until another child is brought into the family. They never cared about me. "Please Marcus." I begged my older brother, but I got a smirk as he slowly approached me.

He switched into his more powerful form. I watched as his wings sprouted from the back of his shoulder blades, and his eyes turn into the bright red color. His nails grew sharper and his fangs grew longer as I pushed myself up against the wall as far as I could.

His speed was unlike any other as he practically teleported in front of me before grabbing me by the neck and pinning me to the wall like our father.

"Please Marcus. I'm your sister." I begged him as I struggled in his grasp.

"You are just another heat source. Nothing more. I'd drain you of your blood, but I do not want your disgraced and disgusting blood anywhere near me." Marcus gave me a disgusted look before throwing me into one of the side rooms.

He picked up a stake and twirled it around in his hands before setting up to throw it like a spear.

"Bye you pathetic whore." With that the stake came flying at me and went through my chest with ease.

"Zurie! Wake up! It's just a nightmare Princess! Wake up!" Soft hands shook me awake.

My eyes shot open to see Kaylyn on top of me with tears running down her face, Kaylyn's Momma, a shorter female werewolf who stood beside her Momma, a boy who looked like a male version of Kaylyn with a rather small shy girl hiding behind him, and Pack Dr Wilson all standing in Kaylyn's room close to the doorway.

"I'm here Princess." Kaylyn quickly sat beside me before carefully pulling me into her lap.

I broke down into tears as my body shook in fear.

"You're safe with me. I've got you." Kaylyn rocked me back and forth as she ran her fingers through my hair.

"From what I can smell from here she is fine. She's just very frightened. If she needs something to help her calm down call me back." Dr Wilson whispered to Kaylyn's Momma. It was meant to be silent, but as a vampire I can hear pin drop a mile away.

The boy who looks a lot like Kaylyn took a step closer, but a loud growl erupted from Kaylyn's chest.

"Don't go near a wolf when their mate is in a state like that Kato." The werewolf who stood beside Kaylyn's Momma, who I now assume is Kaylyn's other mother, stopped the boy who was getting too close for both Kaylyn's comfort as well as mine, and I'm sure Kaylyn could sense that.

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