Wolf Blood: Stay Sharp

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*Three months later*

POV: Kaylyn

"Are you ready to trail the boarder again kiddo?" Momma asked as she leaned against the doorframe.

"Yeah," I smiled as I let out a nervous breath.

"You will find your mate with time Kaylyn. Don't worry. But you won't find her sitting in here." Momma walked away, not waiting for me to follow her.

"Trailing this early in the morning?" Mom asked as she wiped her eyes since she just woke up as she held her coffee mug close to her.

"Yeah, we're going to start to do different times of the day to see if it makes a difference." I mumbled as I slid on my gear. Mom made sure a set of gear was made for me, so even in wolf form I'm protected and I don't have to worry about even being ass naked when I shift.

"Stay sharp Kaylyn. Vampires are very pissy when the sun starts to come out." Mom walked into my room and kissed my forehead before walking back into her and Momma's room.

I can't say I'm not jealous when Kato is with his mate, all happy and sappy. I've snapped at them multiple times, but it's to be expected from twins.

'Keep up Kaylyn!' Uncle Mike yelled through the link as he weaved through the trees expertly. He's been running through them for a hell of a lot longer than I have, so we're all a little bit behind him. It doesn't help any that he is one of the fastest wolves in the pack.

Momma made sure to stay by my side with Uncle Ray and Uncle Danny while Uncle Mike led the way.


'Why? I have to keep up.'

Stop, I smell something.

'Kaylyn, we need to leave. I smell vamp blood.' Momma gagged as she slowed down with me. 'What?' She looked at me when I came to a complete stop.

Everyone else soon protectively circled around me once they saw my current frozen state.

Exit territory for a split second, please.

'Only one second. It's dangerous.' I sighed as I followed my wolf's pleas.

'Kaylyn, get back here.' Momma growled lowly.

'Kaylyn, it's too dangerous!' Uncle Mike yelled, but I shook it off as my wolf put his nose in the dirt, smelling the turf we were treading on.

'Her wolf smells something.' Momma caught onto it. 'Semi circle around her.'

You smell too right?

'Yes I smell it, but what is it?' I knitted my eyebrows together as my wolf kept leading me deeper into the woods.

'This is far enough Kaylyn.' Momma tried to stop me, but I can't. The smell is too intoxicating.

'This places reeks of vampires. Can we please leave?' Uncle Ray spoke hesitantly.

I shut them out and made it so it was just my wolf and I.

A small hut came into view.

Mini vamp shelter for attacks on our territory.

'Then why are we approaching it?'

Smell coming from there.

'You've got to be kidding me.' I internally groaned as I looked both ways before trotting to the hut.

Is it a honey stock?

'Who the fuck puts a honey stock, or any stock for the matter, this close to their enemies' boarder?' I snapped.

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