Chapter 1- How it starts off...

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After school

Amy: U didnt answer my last WYR question..

Me: Remind me again?🤔

Amy is typing...

Amy: SMH, WYR Go out with a zombie or snog stuck up Leon?🙃🙃

Me: looooooool id rather go out with a zombie than snog a player like Leon PMSL i cant even imagine myself wid Leon. 😂😂😂

Amy is typing...

Amy: LOL! Leon is a fuckin bastard anyways.. but culd u acc see urself with a Zombie?😂

Me: Well anything is betta than a player whos vain!😂🙂

Amy is typing...

"ELIZAH! Get your bum downstairs now!" Yells my sweet mother from downstairs.

I roll my grey eyes and leave my IPhone 8+ on charge as it was 20% and besides, she hates technology as it is. I then make my way down the spiral staircase and see what she wants.

I approach and hug her from behind and ask "What's up mumzy?"

She faces me and smiles at me with her beautiful green eyes. "Go help your dad with the supplies please." She replied, as she hugged me.

I sigh. "Fine, anything for you mama." I return her smile from before, she then continues to wash the dishes..

I see my dad outside, unloading his truck full of groceries and all sorts. "Woah! Big supply today huh dad?!" I beam.

He just looks at me with his serious crystal clear blue eyes. "Just help me bring these boxes inside, okay?" He simply said.

I'm just there thinking he's never been this serious before. I've seen serious, but not that serious. Maybe he had a rough day? Anyway, I already put like three or four boxes/ crates inside but there were more. Huh?

"Are we like preparing for the apocalypse or something?" I laugh.

He stopped in his tracks. "That's not funny." He stated.

"Why so serious?" I smile.

He glared at me, burning his eyes through my pupils which felt like the most sinister feeling ever. Damn. Shit! I'm in trouble but why? I feel my heart slightly stop...

"WHY SO SERIOUS!? BE-FUCKING-CAUSE ELIZAH, Something big is coming! We gotta FUCKING BE READY for this shit! KIDS LIKE YOU DON'T FUCKIN' GET IT coz of all this BRAINWASHING! YOU don't see the colour of the sky changing day by fucking day!!!!" He booms with saliva spraying out of his mouth. He spits on the ground. I happened to have staggered and fell due to his really harsh words.

However, I finally manage to get a grip of myself and just jog upstairs into my room and lock the door behind me. Tears now begin to threaten to come out of my now dark green eyes. I begin to breathe in and out, and then plug in my earpods and listen to my most relatable and fave artist of all time and his name is XXXtentacion. My parents feel it's unspiritual to listen to music and despise the fact I listen to it, but to be honest, I really don't care about anything at the moment. I see Amy's message saying 'u best believe this chat stays between us lol!' After '17' was being played, I close my eyes not giving a damn about the world right now.


Alyssah (Elizah's mother)

Alyssah (Elizah's mother)

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Mutual Destruction- An apocalyptic XXXTentacion fanficWhere stories live. Discover now