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BIG thanks to my dear Coffee because you gave me the little push I definitely needed !

An Li was happily walking in the busy street of her village, drooling while looking at the delicious cookies carefully wrapped in a beautiful handkerchief given by the young lady serving into the Chief household. She was daydreaming about the food which will soon fill her hungry belly when she was suddenly shove on the ground. Getting back on her feet she started cursing the one that shoved her only to see a man running with the handkerchief she held so tightly in her hand just a second ago.

The young girl look dumbfounded at the retreating thief. She then started crying falling on her knees to gather the attention of the passerby. Some people asked her why she was crying so hard in the middle of the street but seeing them all quietly laughing at her because it was only some cookies. Rising to her feet again she whipped furiously her tears and glared at these old people. Understanding that no one was going to take seriously her misfortune she decided to take the matters in her own hands.

Running after the thief was an easy task, the fool didn't thought someone was going to come after him and so didn't run too far. Seeing him right in front of her she cursed him loudly attracting attention. The thief tremble with fright sensing the burning glare she was giving him. She cursed even more once he started running again to escape her wrath.

One would think the escape was easy, the opponent was only a little girl with short leg, she would tired her out long before him. But one should never underestimate the will of a girl fighting for her food. An Li who wasn't an athletic person didn't feel tired at all, the only thing on her mind was her beloved cookie and she didn't attend to let go of the chase before getting them back!

The thief dashed through the wood trying to leave the girl behind. Unfortunately for him he was exhausted and not paying enough attention he caught his feet on the apparent roots and fall on his face. Alerted by the sound of the falling thief and his pained groaned An Li finally caught up to him. Without hesitation, she lunged at him, hitting and biting repeatedly the poor thief. He turned around to catch her little fists but the young fury was too enraged to be handled by the poor guy. At some point when she tried to get up, he try to throw her off himself and she landed with all her weight on his leg and a cracking sound filed the woods. She grabbed the handkerchief only to find it humpty. News tears started to rolled down her rosy cheeks. One was suffering from a probably broken limb, gritting his teeth while the other one was dealing with a headache due to all the crying.

A loud stomach sound pierced through all this mess stopping everything at once. An Li look up through her eyelashes to look at the thief. Regaining her calm she examined the situation. From the poor attire of the person in front of her, he might have had no other choice but to steal food to survive.

'You're crazy do you know that ? I think you broke my leg,' the thief said shivering.

'Humpf look at yourself did you gain anything ? You didn't get to eat the food you stole nor will I'll be able too, and now you're even more exhausted and hungry! Does it was worth the trouble ?' Under the accusing tone of the young girl, the thief couldn't deny her wise words.

An Li's own stomach started growling and straighten herself before looking at the thief contemplating what to do with him.

'Who are you anyway, what's your business here ?' They stared at each other in silence before she shrugged her small shoulders and take her leave.

'Wait! I can't tell you my name or why I'm in this situation, but can you at least not report me ?' Clutching the handkerchief she let a frustrating sigh escape her dry lips and considering the state of the thief she thought of something.

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