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I ran as fast as I could away from the man who tortured and abused me for years. Tears streaming down my cheeks as I did. I kept running and running, eventually taking a boat to a place known as Ula'Ula Island here in Alola. After the boat reached shore I jumped off and began running again, not caring where I went as long as I didn't have to see him again.
After a while, I got to a bit metal wall and stopped, hands on my knees as I gasped for air. A small figure leapt out of the grass nearby at me, and it was a small dragon Pokémon known as Goomy. It looked up at me with a look of concern, it's purple body wiggling as it approached me. It looked up at me and nuzzled my leg, showing me that it was severely bruised from that morning when father tried breaking my bones to see if they healed faster than a normal human or Pokémon.

"I-I'm Okay.... I-I don't think it's broken, little guy...." I panted as I knelt down and picked him up.

"Goomy...?" It asked more worriedly.

"Yes, I'm sure, Goomy." I said with a smile on my face, causing the Goomy to smile and wiggle around in my arms in an attempt to cheer me up.

It worked, and I soon began laughing with the little dragon type as the doors in front of us slid open.

"Yo! What the hell are ya doin', homie?" A voice called out as a fist hit my face.

Goomy yelped and fell from my arms as I stumbled, clutching me cheek as I focused my glaring, crimson eyes as the dumbass in front of me as I growled. She backed up, hands in front of her as her eyes widen.

"I-I'm so sorry, yo. I didn't mean ta hit ya, ya know. We aight?" She asked me as the guy behind her face palmed, mumbling about how he told her to stop.

"You have NO idea what I've been through!! Don't fucking touch me again, or you'll be missing fingers!" I growled as I gently picked up Goomy, my eyes trained on the pink haired girl.

"S-Sure thing, yo! You got it, homie!" She shouted as she ran off, whining about how I scared the hell out of her.

The guy just sighed in disappointment as he shook his head before looking at me. He did a once over of my body with his eyes and nodded.

"Aye.... You're pretty hot, girl. Why don't you join Team Skull here?" He said as he held his hand out to me. "I'm Brandon, but everyone calls me B. That girl that hit you was Alison, but you can call her A. She thought you were someone else, so no hard feelings?"

I sighed and hugged Goomy to my chest and looked at Brandon.

"Only if you make sure no one messes with me." I told him, and he nodded.

"Sweet. Aight, sis, come with me." He motioned for me to follow him and I did, still holding Goomy, who wiggled with glee as the rain began pouring down more.

Goomy seemed to be in pure bliss in the rain, so it wiggled around ecstatically, and chirped now and then. I smiled down at him and pet his head, much to his liking.

"So, why did you come here?" Brandon asked as he looked at me, walking beside me.

I looked up at him, but then I looked down.

"To escape...." I mumbled.

"Escape? Escape what?" He asked as we approached a mansion.

"My father. He abused and tortured me for years. He did this...." I pointed to my ankle, which was visibly purple, and that caused me to have a limp. "This morning.... He tried to break it, but I got away before he could...."

I felt tears fall down my cheeks.

"What I wouldn't give to be back in the forests of Unova right now...." I mumbled as we walked inside the mansion together.

"Oh damn. Sounds like you and the boss have a bit in common. You seem kinder than him when you aren't pissed off." Brandon said as we walked up some stairs, and went out onto the roof.

I smile at him a bit as we stand outside a door that was opened a bit. Brandon nodded as he opened the door.

"Yo, boss. I found this chick at the gates. She said she was looking for this place all day. She pretty banged up, and can't move much at the moment." Brandon said.

"The hell is it my problem?" The man on the throne spat as he eyed me. "She can go run home to mommy and daddy."

I clenched my fists and grit my teeth.

"Hey! You better let me stay here, or I'm gonna die!" I shouted, Goomy on the ground next to Brandon as I marched over too the man, getting in his face. "I have nothing to go back to but a father that abused and tortures me everyday!"

His eyes narrowed at me and he groaned a bit, rubbing his face with his hand and sighing.

"She can stay, but she's your problem, B." The man said.

"You da man, Boss!" Brandon smiled wide with his bandana down.

"Yeah yeah. Just give me a minute with her, will ya?" The man said, shooing Brandon away.

After Brandon left, the mans eyes never left me.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked.

"I am Arian. My father is Colress, and-" The man cut me of by covering my mouth with his hand.

"I didn't ask for your life story, genius. I asked for your name." He said. "I'm Guzma, but you call me boss."

"No. I like Guzma, so I'll use Guzma." I said with a smirk, and he smirked back a bit.

"Well, look who's got some balls on her." He snickered as I focused my eyes on his, narrowing them

"I know you're letting me stay and I thank you but if you or anyone else here hits me again like that one chick did there will be hell to pay." I growled and Guzma's mouth formed a thin line.

"Who hit you?" He asked.

"That's none of your damn concern-" He cut me off by slamming his fists into the arm rests of his chair.

"WHO. THE FUCK. HIT YOU?!" Guzma shouted angrily, causing me to shrink back and lose all my courage as images of my father experimenting on me and cutting into me flashing in my vision.

I fell to the ground and curled in a ball, tears falling down my cheeks as I gripped my white hair tightly.

"D-DON'T HURT ME!" My voice rang through the now silent room as quiet settled in the thick atmosphere.

Goomy shrank into my side, nudging me as footsteps grew near. I whimpered and tightened my body even more and the footsteps stopped directly in front of me.

"I'd never hurt ya, Arian..." Guzma said in a gentle tone as he knelt in front of me, placing a hand on my head.

Immediately I flinched away from the contact, looking up at him with tears streaking down my cheeks. Guzma frowned deeply as motioned for me to stand. I slowly stood and he cautiously and gently wrapped his arms around my small frame, my body stiffening at the first bit of actual affection I've ever received in my life.

"Y-you won't hurt me..?" I asked him as my cheek began to heat up.

"Never. Not after what you've been through." Guzma gave a gentle smile and that was how I first began to fall for the secretly kind man; because I knew the real him.

My Dearest Asshole (Pokémon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon Fanfic)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن