Wolf Blood: Zurie

Start from the beginning

"Yeah right. All you are is a lying blood sucker like all of the other ones." He rolled his eyes before shoving me in a small cage. One that was made for a medium sized dog.

"Why would I cross into your territory alone then?" I whimpered as the steel hit my skin more.

"Because you want to kill and scout us, I am no stranger to you and your species' ways." He chuckled as he clicked the lock into place.

"Please just tell her or her mom that I'm Zurie." I begged, but he shook his head and walked away after putting a blanket drenched in garlic water over the cage. It was suffocating me. It was making me sick. It was making me rather be dead than alive.

"My momma told me to handle it today since she has a cold and my mom doesn't do well with interrogating vamps." The familiar angelic voice filled the room.

There was no way in hell that she could smell me with this garlic blanket over my cage which has been torturing for hours, making me weaker and weaker by the second.

"Is it in this crate?" She got closer to me, but I couldn't speak. I could barely breathe.

"Yeah, it should be pretty weak after five hours under the garlic blanket." The guard who captured me and put me in this crate let out a sickening chuckle.

"That's enough to kill one." Kaylyn slowly spoke. Light soon blinded me, and then as gasp filled my ears. "This is my mate you fucking asshole!"

Kaylyn ripped the crate in half before picking me up and holding me close to her chest.

Tears pricked at my eyes as I was finally away from that horrid blanket.

"I-I didn't know ma'am. She never spoke a word of it. I swear." The guard stuttered.

"Then why are you giving off a lying hormone? I can smell it from here you asshole." Kaylyn growled lowly, but her arms held me closely and protectively to her chest.

"I-, ma'am I." The guard stuttered.

"Put everything on you except for your clothes on the table." She growled lowly.

He quickly followed her orders.

"In the silver cell. Now!" She barked her orders and he quickly complied. "Close it behind you. I don't care how much it hurts."

He yelled in pain as he grasped the silver and closed it behind himself.

"Let's get you to the doctor." Kaylyn was about to walk out into the sun before stopping. "There is no way in hell I am letting you go out in the sun when you are this weak. Does covering you stop it?" She whispered in a soothing voice.

"E-eno-ugh to k-eep m-me s-sa-fe for a sh-ort period of t-time." I whispered in pain as my lungs still struggled to inhale oxygen.

Kaylyn quickly rushed over to a wardrobe like furniture piece before opening to see its contents and quickly grabbing a thick blanket, and then wrapped my small figure in it. "I'll make the trip quick. Just do your best to keep your head against my chest so it doesn't bounce and cause even more pain that I can't even imagine." Kaylyn kissed my forehead before covering it and bolting to the pack house with me in her arms.

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