Chapter Three

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There was nothing but water and more water. It was also very dark. It had been like that for Haru for quite some time now. He couldn't see anything in dark but he felt that he was underwater. Haru knows that he was underwater. The feeling. The trust that he had. He knows that he was underwater.

He got waves of paint from every part of his body every now and then. He wondered why. His head hurts. His abdomen. His hands. His legs. They hurt so badly. He could hear a voice. It was calling him. What happen? Why can't he get out? Who's voice was that? Haru wanted to know but every time he tried swimming up he felt his body getting heavier and heavier.

"Haru. Haru. Haru..."

The voice was strangely familiar to Haru tried figuring it out who's voice was it but every time he tried concentrating on the voice, his head started to ring in pain but still Haru kept on trying to figure out the whose voice was that.

"Haru. Haru. Haru..."

Haru knew the voice belong to someone he know. Someone he trusts. Someone he loves. The sound of his name being called over and over again gave him the batteries. Haru just wanted to find out.

He was sick of the darkness and for once in his life, he was sick of being in the water. He was also sick of being alone. Haru had enough and that when he tried to swim harder and harder. The pain was nothing t him anymore, he just wanted to get out of this dark underwater place that he was trap in.

And with that Haru was out. He blinked his eyes, it was hard. In fact it was unbearable for Haru, he quickly shut his eyes but he opened them again. Even with the light glaring at him brightly, he still managed to open his eyes and blink a few times and tried to concentrate. He was in a white painted-wall room with very little furniture. he figured that he was in the hospital. The white table, some white chairs and on one of the chairs next to him was a figure that was sitting beside him with his head down on the bed, he head was facing Haru's legs. He was holding Haru's hand in his right hand and on his left was a dark red hand phone with a shark key chain. The figure was a teenage boy around Haru's age. He had brownish-red hair. He was dressed in black tank top and he was wearing dark green cargo pants.

Haru recognized that boy was Matsuoka Rin. His childhood friend. His swimming rival and the person he had unrequited love for a very long time. Haru wanted to tell Rin he was awake but Rin was mumbling someone. "Haru. Haru. Haru." Finally Haru realized that the person who was calling out to him was Rin.

Haru tried squeezing Rin's hand but it didn't work. Haru couldn't move. Every time he tried, he was send a wonderfully ringing sensation of pain. If Haru couldn't move, he tried to talk but all that came out of Haru's mouth was a very horrible cough. It got Rin's attention and Rin shot straight up and looked at Haru. Their eyes met for a second. Rin was in disbelief that after all this time, Haru, the man Rin loved was finally awake and was staring at him. A small little smile formed on Rin's face but it disappeared into one that was shy and very Tsundere-like.

"Haru...." Rin whispered still having the Tsundere-like expression on his face.

Haru tried to talk but he ended up coughing again. Haru looked at the jug of water longing that was placed at the side table net to his bed. Rin quickly took the hint that Haru was thirsty and quickly poured a glass of water for Haru. Haru gulped down on the water gratefully.

Rin continued staring at Haru all Tsundere-like until he opened his mouth and said, "Are you alright Haru? I was so worried about you... When I found you... You... were all..." Rin froze at his sentence. The memories of the time that Rin found Haru all bloody, naked, neaten up and lying on the floor unconscious came flooding back to him in a split second.

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