Goodbye Loves

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What is Love
The Human being is conceived at the moment of union between a woman and man,
Love is not limited to gender,
Love is not limited to race nor wealth,
Every human is born like a blank canvas waiting to be filled,
Every thought,
Every breath,
The first cry of a newborn babe tells the world of its arrival,
In death it is silent or rather sometimes violent,
Every second and minute tick away,
Tick- tock,
The clock struck one, it was time for some fun,
The party of life is far from done,
Tick- tock,
The clock struck two, you learned that the sky was blue and there were people out there just like you too,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck three, the dreams that you have of what you want to be, so many sights to see, as a child you are free,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck four, there was someone at the door, school is starting to become a chore,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck five, you see the kids at school have high expectations which is why you jump off the high dive,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck six, you rather be watching some Netflix, you built a wall made out of bricks,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck seven, you learned that not everyone gets to go to heaven,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck eight, you went out on your first date, it's only a matter of time before you graduate, the bliss of life still gives you something to celebrate,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck nine, you learn that eating out with friends is simply divine, however you're still not allowed to break out of line,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck ten, where have you been? It's been years, you won't even write me back in pen,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck eleven, you go back to wishing for the time for when you were seven, the world looks a lot more bland than it once did,
Tick- Tock,
The clock struck twelve, in your last hours you dwelve alone, your sanity is slipping and you thought you saw Santa's elves, the beauty of childhood escapes you, in your last breath you cry out silently too weak to cry out like a healthy baby,
One last thought that would forever haunt you:
What is Love?
Love is a terrible painful thing, a monster of sorts, worse than all seven of the deadly sins,
Love is also a beautiful thing that first churns in your stomach, it blossoms like a flower, only to wilt away, the flower itself can bloom again but the flower is not the same, the flower can be a reflection of a reflection, Love is a contradiction.

Izuku Midoriya

[This poem however was written by yours truly as are the other poems]

Stupid nerd. Stupid Deku.

Always one upping me even now! I took second, he took first well at least in the preliminaries. We still have the semi-finals and finals for the poetry competition.

We were in our second year of college. Both English Majors and both utterly broke. The winner of the poetry competition would get some cash which we both desperately needed.

Attending the Yuuei wasn't f*cking easy. This sh*t is hella expensive. I've gotten so many f*cking judge-mental stares and question. No one f*cking expected me to choose English as my major. Especially not sh*tty Deku. It doesn't help that we have to share an apartment because we're broke as f*ck.

I expected Deku to be a sh*tty writer because he has that irritating mumbling habit of his but no he's actually really f*cking good! Don't ever f*cking tell him that though... I guess all those stupid notebooks really did help him.

This was my poem, and yes I know it doesn't use cuss words but I can get my f*cking point across regardless okay.

I present you this f*cking masterpiece:

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