Note Passing

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Bold~ Katsuki
Italics~ Izuku

Izuku and Katsuki are dense af and don't know each other beforehand but know of each other.

Izuku POV

What if they wrote me? What if they— they did!

I'm heading into the last trimester of my first year.

The anonymous notes had started after a fateful encounter.

A bored student and a simple reply.

An angry rant about our English final.

The note hadn't been intended for anyone really just a scribbled down thought.

I found it on accident a balled up piece of paper I found on the ground near my desk.

Out of simple curiosity I picked it up.

I can't f*cking believe it stupid English final. Stupid f*cking idiots. Stupid f*cking school. I was sick for two weeks and the f*cking English teacher made me take the f*cking exam. I'll f*cking kill the teacher for ruining my perfect GPA.

I thought nothing of it until there was a second note.

I f*cking nailed it as expected and I f*cking know I didn't throw away the note the other day you better fess up because I know there's one other kid who knows my pain and suffering but choosing to ignore the sorrows of a suffering high schooler.

On the back of the note I scribbled done a response.

The note was in the same spot as it had been after all.

Sounds tough but what can I do about it? Please don't litter what if someone else picked up the note?

I threw the note into the recyclable doubting the stranger would pick it up.

There was a chance since the trash was thrown out every other day.

The next day in the same spot another crumbled up note lay waiting to be picked up.

I let out a small sigh and picked up the note.

Oh so you're a little sassy aye? Whatever. Fine we can pass notes at xxx.
- Lord Explodo Murderer

The exchange point was an abandoned locker no one bothered to use.

Number 214.

In order to avoid any "chance" meetings I went to the locker before school while the stranger went after school.

I was always super early so I never worried about anyone seeing and the area by the locker was abandoned anyway.

We're using pen names now? Mysterious. Nice to meet you Lord Explodo Murderer.
~ Green Bunny

Notes over time piled up.

Green Bunny? Really? Anyways I'm pissed this one f*cker had the audacity to take one of my favorite pens. At least they served curry at lunch. I love curry and anything spicy really.
- Lord Explodo Murderer

That sucks. I prefer Katsudon but curry is pretty good. Next time label your pens maybe?
- Green Bunny

Red is my favorite f*cking color. PE was great we completely destroyed the other team. Their faces were so broken and twisted in agony. Art was great.
- Lord Explodo Murderer

Green is my favorite color. PE wasn't as great as yours but I still found it fun even though we lost. Are you into any superheroes? Like interested in but not in the way you might be thinking? All Might is my favorite.
~ Green Bunny

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