t h i r t y e i g h t

Start from the beginning

once hoseok bid his goodbye, she let herself fall into her chair and sighed.

she knew she had therapy that day with hyungwon. she had been avoiding it, lately. it had been a week since she watched the tape and even though she had attended the clinic, she have moved hyungwon's therapy to other days, days that she knew he had other activities, so that he couldn't assist to her therapy.

soon knew by heart all of her patient's schedules inside the clinic and she knew that nurses practically forced them to attend their activities first.

for nurses, therapy could be managed and scheduled anytime and anywhere since the doctor was most of the times there, but soon had moved his therapy for a whole week now.

she knew she couldn't keep up doing it any longer, it was time to finally face him, and she had all the intention to face nam gun too. she needed answers of it all.

she's been thinking about it, that whole week and she knew there was no right or wrong way to approach the subject. she just had to do it and that's it.

the soft knocks on the door indicated her that it was 4:00 p.m. already. she knew rowoon would come inside, being followed by hyungwon.

he looked pretty relaxed today, he even made eye contact with her for a couple of seconds. "dr. park." rowoon said with a reassuring nod, all three people knew the procedure by now. rowoon would be waiting outside of the office just in case.

she knew it today more than any other day. she knew it because she came with intentions to face nam gun.

"hyungwon-ssi... how are you today?" she started, as she cleared her throat, managing to look calmed.

she didn't want him to think she was overly excited over seeing him after a week. "is that all you're going to say to me after a week?"

soon tensed and looked up slowly, to find inho's eyes staring at her with intensity.

hyungwon wasn't there.

"inho-ssi." she said making eye contact, defiantly.

"about that... i am terribly sorry- she said putting down the pen and the notebook, removing her glasses and staring at him – i've had a busy week, as you know... we doctors have plenty responsibilities. i deeply apologize."

he swallowed hard and she soon noticed how his jaw clenched. "is that it? what was so important to you that you've been avoiding me for over a week?" he asked, pointing at his own chest.

she tilted her head. "i've been... busy." she simply said.

inho moved on his seat and she noticed how his chest went up and down faster. "i can't believe it... - his eyes widened.

"what is that?" she asked confused.

"so now you choose when do you want to see me and when you don't want to? is that how this works?" he asked, pointing between themselves.

soon frowned. "what do you mean?"

his eyes widened as if he almost couldn't believe his own ears. "this thing? – he asked again, pointing at both of them – between us? are you going to deny it dr. park?" he asked with a mocking tone.

soon sighed as she put on the glasses again. "it was a mistake that can't happen again. now can we please focus on the therapy session?- she stopped talking when she noticed he stood dramatically from the couch.

"you can't do that."

"do what?" she asked, following him with her eyes.

he walked in circles in the middle of the office, running a hand through his now, longer hair. "you can't pretend nothing happened." his tone raised as his body language became more and more aggressive.

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