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I have the weirdest flippin' dreams, I swear.


"Hoseok, I'm serious. The guy is such a fucking jerk." Taehyung said as he sipped his coffee.

Hoseok chuckled, "Well you are kinda full of yourself."

The younger put his coffee down and crossed his arms, "I am not. I'm just confident."

"Whatever you say," Hoseok rolled his eyes with a smile. He knew his best friend better than anyone.

"Anyway, I have to go to work soon. Go with me? Please. Just so I have someone to distract me so I don't flip my shit." Taehyung put his hands together and begged.

Hoseok looked at him, contemplating. "Fine, fine. I'll go. Just because you said he was pretty good looking."

"Hobi!!! You cannot say that when we get over there. If he ever overheard something like that, I'd just dig my own grave right then and there." Taehyung said, covering his face with his hands.

The older chuckled at his best friend, "Don't worry, I won't. I have common sense. We really should go though, because if we wait much longer you'll be late." Hoseok tapped his watch, showing the time.

"Oh shit, you're right. Let's go." They paid for their coffee and cake and left.

Taehyung drove and Hoseok took control of the radio, putting on some bops.

Both of them started singing the lyrics loudly. They didn't care if they were off key or anything, rolling the windows down to annoy other drivers.

"I'm so sick of this fake love, fake love, fake love!!!!" They sang out in unison at a red light, causing the people next to them to look over in annoyance.

They laughed at themselves as they pulled up at the modeling studio and turned off the radio.

When they walked in, Jihan immediately ran up to the younger. "Oh thank goodness you're here. I was scared you were gonna be late. Hurry to Jiso so she can paint your face." Jihan tried to shoo him away.

"Give me a second, will you?" Taehyung grumbled out.

"Alright, alright. Just hurry." Jihan took off in another direction to probably rush someone else.

"Wow," Hoseok grinned. "He's quite the morning person."

"Yeah, it hurts my soul." Taehyung replied, obviously annoyed.

"So, where's... the jerk?" Hoseok questioned, careful with his choice of words.

"Uhm," Taehyung looked around, searching for the raven haired male. When his eyes finally found him, he was sitting next to a short guy that Taehyung had never seen before. "Right over there." The younger pointed discreetly.

"I can't see him that well from here. Let's get a closer look." Hoseok suggested before the two boys slowly walked closer nonchalantly.

"Damn, he really is good looking." The older said when they got a better view.

Taehyung was too focused on hearing Jungkook's conversation with the short male to pay attention to what his best friend was saying.

He overheard Jungkook saying, "I like what you did with your hair today, Jimin. It looks really good."

Jimin said something back that Taehyung couldn't quite catch, but he didn't care. He was already really frustrated.

So he can be nice to other people, but just chooses to be rude to me? Taehyung thought, gritting his teeth.


Tbh, I love my bed

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