Clarke was rubbing her hands up and down Evelynn's arms as if she was making sure she was really there. "I thought you were dead," Clarke said, her voice softer now.

"You can't get rid of me that easily," Evelynn joked, but Clarke didn't laugh.

"That's not funny. I really thought they floated you."

Evelynn nodded but couldn't help but smile, "Honestly, I woke up today certain I was being floated. But now I'm on earth with my best friend who I haven't seen in two years."

Clarke opened her mouth to say something but she was cut off by a voice coming from behind them, "Sorry to break up the happy reunion, but can I get a little help?"

They both turned to see Wells Jaha sitting on the ground clutching his leg. Evelynn smiled, "Go help him, we can catch up later." Clarke nodded.

Evelynn looked around at all the delinquents. She saw Octavia and her brother a few feet away having a seemingly secretive and intense conversation. She noted to herself not to interrupt that one.

She decided to walk over to the Spacewalker who was folding a map and shoving it into his pocket.

Evelynn called out to him as she got closer, "Hey Finn, where do you think you're going?"

He turned around and smiled at her, "Mount Weather."

Her brows furrowed in confusion, "I thought this was Mount Weather,"

He sighed and leaned against the dropship, "They dropped us on the wrong mountain. If we want to survive, someone has to go and get the food and supplies."

"Can I come?" Evelynn asked, bouncing on her heels. The more of the Ground she got to explore, the better.

"Yeah, of course, but—" his voice trailed off as he quickly ran into the dropship. He jumped out only a few seconds later, throwing her a jean jacket, "—you're gonna want that before it gets too cold."

Evelynn nodded and muttered, "Thank you," as she put the jacket on over her shirt. She didn't have any experience with the weather or feeling too hot or cold. It was always the same neutral temperature on the Ark.

She followed Finn as he walked over to Clarke who was still treating Wells's leg. Evelynn smiled to herself, Clarke was just like her mom.

"So, Mount Weather," Finn said, "when do we leave?"

Clarke turned around and stood up to face Evelynn and Finn, "Right now."

Clarke turned back to Wells, "We'll be back tomorrow with food."

Wells looked between them skeptically, "How are three of you going to carry enough food for 100?"

Finn turned around and grabbed a confused Monty and Jasper by the shoulders, "Five of us. Can we go now?"

Octavia ran over to them and slung her arm around Evelynn's neck, "Sounds like a party, make it six."

Her brother caught up to her, grabbing her other arm, "Hey, what the hell are you doing?"

Octavia pulled her arm away from him, her tone defiant, "Going for a walk." Evelynn let out a small laugh.

Clarke, on the other hand, chose to ignore the bickering Blake siblings. Instead, she grabbed at Finn's wristband, which was all scratched up, "Were you trying to take this off?"

He smirked, "Yeah. So?"

Clarke rolled her eyes, "So, this wristband transmits your vital signs to the Ark. Take it off and they'll think your dead." Evelynn subconsciously rubbed at her own wristband.

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