Chapter Twenty Eight: A New Hope.

Start from the beginning

But something was different, it wasn't the snow, but I carried on walking through the village. All the villagers had sad looking faces, some of them with stained red eyes. As I wandered on I saw many people surrounding something in the cemetery. I took off running, pushing through the crowd as I came across an open coffin. There lay inside the coffin was my only love, Raina. I broke down with a sob, falling to my knees as I looked at her pale face and her gorgeous red hair with no glow to it.

I felt a hand gently lay on my shoulder. I looked up to see the Queen, all dressed in black. Her eyes were red as raspberries as she gently placed a white lily in my palm. I gripped the steam lightly as I watch as the guards lowered my sweet Raina into the ground. She was buried next to Analee remembrance head stone. I listened to all the speeches that were made. But one stood out in particular. Young Thranduil's speech.

"Today we have lost a loving soul, for she has blessed many hearts, myself included. She did not deserve to leave this world. My men are searching for the man responsible for her tragic death. But let us forget that for a moment. Elder Raina was not just the kingdom best healer or baker this kingdom has ever seen. No, she was a person who you could look up too. With her caring words and great wisdom, Raina helped shape this kingdom." The prince took in a deep breath before continuing. "We are all heartbroken for her passing, one maiden in particular. Her granddaughter Belle, who unfortunately cannot be here today for she is missing from her home."

My heart stopped, Granddaughter?! That's impossible! The only child Raina had been Analee! How could Raina have a granddaughter when Analee is dead?! My mind was buzzing with thoughts, that I didn't realized that everyone had left. It was nearly pitch black except for the moon which seemed to shine of Raina's tombstone.

I quickly stood up and slowly walked towards her headstone. I read as her tombstone said, "Raina Azalea. Beloved friend and mother. Alámenë Máriessë". On our tombstone, we don't give our age, for we think it is disrespectful.

I crouched down next to her stone as I whispered the words "I am so sorry my dear Raina. I have failed you once more. Please know that I have always loved you since the day we met. I wish I could fix the mistakes I had made in the past, if I could I would change them in a heartbeat," I stated, chocking down a cry.

"I wish I could have been the person to hold your hand every day. Feel you lips press against mine every morning before heading to work. Comfort you when you cry and kiss away the pain you would have felt. I wished it was me to wake up with you by my side. To hear your adorable laughter and see your beautiful smile once more, but I have failed you and for I am hear and you have passed over. Please forgive me," I mumbled, slowly getting to my feet and weakly walking away.

But before I was even ten meters away. I saw a cloaked figure walk up to her grave, a bunch of blue bells in its hand. I watched as it pulled its hood off to reveal a beautiful young elf. Her hair was a shimmering blonde and wavy, her eyes especially gleamed in the moonlight. It was like I was hit in the gut. There stood an elf I thought I would never see again.

Little Lee.


Belle's P.O.V (earlier that night)

I snuggled into the warmth as much as possible, feeling my bare hands freeze. I heard a small snort close to my ear, then I felt a tongue lick my ear. I instantly sat up with a shiver before clutching my left thigh. Another snort came from my left, I down up to see the Unicorn, its body snuggling up against mine, fighting against the frost of snow.

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