Bind Chapter 18

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Daken had smelled it on Logan during their last encounter. A scent that wasn't his. It was sweet and flowery - like a sweet pea. That's what Daken designated this mystery lover in his head. Sweet Pea. She was probably yet another in a long line of girlfriends - undoubtedly normal with some basic job that somehow landed her in league with Logan. Poor girl - given his track record she was going to end up dead. Daken just might do it himself if he was bored enough.

It wasn't hard to find Logan's new school. There were new mutants popping up everyday but there were still so few mutant schools. Even less named after one of Logan's ill-fated flings. Daken tried not to roll his eyes. Somewhere in his head he knew Logan's neglect wasn't his fault - he had no idea Daken survived his mother's murder but now that he knew he existed he had yet to extend an invitation to join his institution.

In all honesty he'd only attend long enough to turn all the little freaks against their benevolent leader. Upon seeing the place Daken knew it was going to be a lot harder than just tossing a molotov through a window and skipping away. It was massive. But he was pleased to find out Logan's new girl lived there. Her scent was all over the place - but the flowers that her scent emulated were everywhere. He took up perch in a tree and watched the yard. He thought he had imagined it rumbling and moving. They must've had some kind of sensor in the ground—

"What are you doing?" He nearly fell when he heard someone above him. He looked up and spotted a pair of blue eyes watching him from a few branches up.

"Probably the same thing as you." He answered as he tried to get a better look at his company. It was a boy, Daken picked up a distinctly male scent. But the smell of those damn flowers was throwing him off.

"I doubt that. Tell me who you are now or 'Baby' will teleport you into freeway traffic." He threatened.

"Baby?" Daken asked. A second later he sported the little blue creature on the other side of the tree trunk from him. It glared at him. "What's your name?"

"Look. You're trespassing at my house in, my tree. So give me your name or become best friends with the I-20 North." He threatened.

"Daken." He answered. The boy came out of his hiding spot to get a better look at him. Daken took in his unique appearance and smiled - he was a mutant.

"I thought you smelled familiar. You're Logan's son... well one of them. All of you tend to smell like pine." He said as he extended his hand towards his strange blue pet. It crawled to him and took up perch on his shoulder.

"Are you one of his kids?"

"Not biologically. But with all the ones he does have you wouldn't think he'd adopt another. Especially the kid of one of his enemies." He answered as he jumped down to the branch Daken was on. His eyes widened when the smell of the sweet pea flowers radiated off the boy. Maybe it was because the smell had been deluded by Logan's own musk but Daken had not realized it was male. Logan's new 'girlfriend' was actually a boy. And boy or not he didn't seem like Logan's type. He picked up on something else as he looked him up and down.

"You're Sabertooth's boy." He said. He had been prying into files on a classified S.H.I.E.L.D. database and there had been an old picture of him in Victor's file.

"Oliver." He introduced himself. "My face is up here." He snapped his fingers to get Daken's attention.

"Yeah I know but you have a tail." Daken informed him like he didn't know. "So... are you gonna tell anyone I was here."

"Probably not." Oliver said as he took his blue pet in his hands. "Cause you're not here. Baby, the North bound carpool lane, please."

"Baby!" It squeaked before it jumped on Daken.

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