Chapter 5(Being Energized)

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(If there is any error, please bare with me.Thank You for all your support.I really wholeheartedly thank each of you for reading my story , the ones who vote for my story and the ones who comment on it. I am also being energized by you.Your reads,votes and comments boosted me and yup i created this chapter.)

Khushi was sitting at Temple for hours.When someone said they are going to lock the temple, She stood up unwillingly.She preferred to walk rather than by bus.She was in such a depressed state.She was not able to think anything. The one thing which revolved her mind was "I know that you both are in relationship".She couldn't even digest the fact.Her tears was continuously flowing.It was like she had a whole water tank inside her eyes.Her eyes shrunk to small size and became red in colour.She didn't even cared about that.She asked "How can you accuse me of something which I didn't even do?How can you?I never tried to harm Anjaliji.I never tried to do bad or harm to anyone.I don't have any evil motives.But still why I get bad name?When I lost my parents, they said it was because of me.When Payal's marriage stopped, they all said It was because of me.When that Goons came and attacked me by watching that video realsed by governor, they said it is because of me.When I married ,they said I did something.Till today I don't even know that I am married to him because of this reason. Why?Why?Am I not allowed to he peaceful?Then why did you bring me into this world?Say me..."She cried really hard.The sky who was constantly hearing her questions could not stop her or console her.Its really felt sad that it can not talk.So It cried..along with her.It rained with big big drops heavily that the force of water was too much that it hit person like bullets..It gave severe thunder.All of them scattered seeking shelter.But she was the only one who was walking like ..She doesn't need to be compared with anyone.Because she is the one whom can be never replaced.So we can say...She was the only one who walked like KHUSHI KUMARI GUPTA..Now it seems perfect.Do you think she can be spared from this rain?Ya of course the sky is crying.So the trees would help her right?They covered so thickly that she had only little bits of it.

She remembered when he caught her preventing her from getting hit by the car

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She remembered when he caught her preventing her from getting hit by the car.It was her sister Payal's birthday.She wanted to go home quickly and celebrate it.She was so excited.But that devil Arnav Singh Raizadha gave her extra work and made her stay till night.He gave her job to look after parking lot.She stood there even though it rained.She was so much angered due to this.When a client came, he instructed Arnav to not do like this. A car came there with high speed.When the flashlight disturbed her face, she realised that she is going to hit by that car.But suddenly he came there, lifted her in his arms and saved her.He got hold of her so tightly that she would not get hit.She realised that she is not hit and slightly looked who saved her.They locked eyes.It was that devil Arnav.She distanced herself.But his hand was firmly clutching her arms.She looked at his hands so that he would remove it.When he realised that he released her quickly.He told her "I asked you to manage the parking lot.Not to get under cars."She was shivering in cold.He was about to go.But something hold him back.He stood there not knowing what to do.He removed his overcoat and walked towards her.She walked two steps away from him.He asked her "Do you want to prove that you are innocent ? "He who doesn't like to share his things , gave her his overcoat for the first time."Just put this.I need to take care of the company."He was caring but was reasoning himself that he is doing it for the sake of company.But she returns it to him by saying "I don't need any coat".He who doesn't like when someone insults him.Got angry and went.

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