Chapter 3(The Suicide Attempt)

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         When he read the letter,He was not able to do anything.He was blank for a second.He thought Why could she do something so insane like this? Deep inside he believed what he saw on the terrace was not true.His Khushi loved only him.She is such an innocent soul.His heart know that.But his mind cannot.If Shyam had eyes on some other women, or if some other women had eyes on Shyam, he know he could throw large sum of money.But that so called women became his khushi.How could someone other than him try to be close with his khushi?So he cannot execute the plan of throwing money and saying get lost.First of all,Khushi is never behind money.She is only behind love, care, affection.So , he cannot do that.

        His mind and His heart had a war on that day.One was saying she will never do such a thing.Other one was saying, wake up..Look in front of you.Hear what they speak.You will know the truth.He listened Shyam and Khushi speaking. She was saying "why can't you give divorce to Anjali?".He could not hear more.He was hurt.Because he challenged his mind that he would win.But what happened.He lost.He had so much trust in her.But she was with Shyam and trying to make Shyam divorce Anjali. That would never happen when he is alive.He is there to protect his sister.To protect his sister from getting divorce and also protecting his love.He made a decision to marry her.If he marries her, then she cannot marry Shyam. Since this plan sounded good both for his sister and also him.He executed successfully.He know the weakness of Khushi.her love towards her family.So he used that and got his plan worked out.

        But he never knew she would die for him.His heart said She had proved him that her love is pure.His mind said she is acting so that she could execute some so called plan of hers.His heart said there is only few more minutes left to save her.He ran as fast as he could to save her.The dreadful sight he saw..Which he can never forget in his life.His love.His life trying to commit suicide.yes,Khushi was standing on top of a building ready to jump. He ran on the stairs as fast as he could.He run like a maniac. At last ,he reached there.


When she steps one foot on air, she heard him..yes she heard him.He came here.She withdrew her foot.

K: Arnavji...Please move or else I will jump right now.

A: Khushiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii..No you can never do that.Please khushi lets talk. Don't do this.

        When she was willing to die, she never thought Arnav would come here and save her. For a second, her heart said "Look, See wide open with your eyes. He, your world is in front of you. to save you, he has been coming ranting."

        Her mind said "Maybe the TV host is right, if I try to suicide myself, then maybe the curse will not go. So that ,Arnavji is here to save me.He is not here to save me because he loves me.He is here because he can able to with his love(Lavanyaji) through me."She doesn't want him to get hurt because of her..(Even at the verge of death she cares about him and she does not care about how much pain will she get when she jumps or how much pain will he go through without her)

(Even at the verge of death she cares about him and she does not care about how much pain will she get when she jumps or how much pain will he go through without her)

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