Figuring Out The Truth

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Hallaaaaaah !  

Alright so it took me a while for this chapter but I was ping through a block D: 

I knew exactly what I wanted but yet I couldn't write it that way. Blahhhhhhhh any way here you guys go. I hope you can forgive me ;/ 

no edit since I wrote this on my phone. Excuse the possible weird words or spellings since my spell check on here is stupid. -.- 


"What did you say" I asked her softly. I was so scared of what the answer was going to be. I felt my heart beat quicken but yet it felt like time had completely stop. It felt as if we were both standing in silence for hours. I honelty can't tell you how long it took for her to respond to my question because I don't know. All I know is that it felt as if it was forever.

Her lips parted and shut again. I could see her swallow and I had a feeling that I already knew the answer but I couldn't help but hope I was wrong.

"I said yes." She whispered. I wasn't sure if she really wanted me to hear her response, but I did. I felt my heart drop and my body ache.

Her eyes burned into my skin as I knew she was waiting for my response. But how could I? The girl I'm supposed to be with is with someone else.

I looked down at her perfect self. "why?" was all I managed to say.

"Because he treats me right, I don't know he's a good guy." Her eyes lightened I could tell she knew it wasn't right.

I moved away from her and started walking towards the other end of the balcony. I could feel it. My wolf wanted to come out, it was mad, and most of all hurt. Anger boiled through my veins. I was supposed to be the one she was with. Me. "He doesn't even know you!" I barked out before I jumped over to my balcony.

"And what you do know me?" she screamed back at me.

I stopped dead in my tracks. Did she really just say that. I turned around only to see her eyes widen and her whole expression was in shock. "I guess I don't." I said then turned back around.

"Austin I'm sorry that came out wrong. I'm so sorry I. I didn't mean it like that" I could hear the sorrow in her voice but I knew it was some what true. But I didn't matter to me, what I did know of her had me going completely insane for her.

When I reached my door I turned my head to face her and I could see her eyes water. "Your birthday is September 4th, you love bright colors, rain makes you sleepy, your incredibly smart, and you can't stand the smell of gas." And with that I walked into my room.

Everything that had to do with Payton I remembered. In fact everything that had to do with Payton simply fascinated me. But now she's with someone else.

Paytons pov.

Austin. Austin is all I've thought about every single day. It's been two weeks since I told her about my parents, and tomorrow means it's been two weeks since I said yes to Damon.

Damon. What can I say? He is cute but nothing compared to Austin, he is sweet but he doesn't warm my heart like Austin does. Hell he can't really do anything Austin can. When he hugs me or touches me I don't feel anything. There's tingle that runs through my body not even the slightest one. When we kiss it's just awkward and it makes me think how it is to kiss Austin.

"Is it wrong to wonder how it feels to kiss someone else while your kissing someone?"

"Um yeah. It's pretty wrong to kiss Damon and wonder how it feels to kiss Austin." Mia said with a smirk.

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