Chapter 1

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5 years later.

The cold breeze hit my face, provoking my whole body to shiver. A long coat and a thick scarf seemed not warm enough in this weather. I walked in a rush, hoping I could get to my destination faster to warm myself. As I entered an elegant restaurant, I held tight on my suitcase, feeling my skin pressing against the leather. I looked at the time on my watch: perfectly in time, I thought. One important rule I had was punctuality. No matter what could happen, I tried my best to be on time to any meeting.

The lobby was refined and well decorated. It seemed more like a hotel than a restaurant. I headed towards a woman that appeared to work here.

"Hello," I said with a polite tone.

"Good afternoon, you got any reservations, Sir?" a lady behind a wooden desk asked me without even facing me. I stared at her carefully. She had blonde hair perfectly arranged in a bun with the exception of a small tuft of hair falling on her forehead. Her dress was black with a huge cleavage showing half of her boobs. I smiled at the view.

"Newton McAllister," I answered, recovering my attention. I watched as she searched for the name on her brown leather notebook resting on the desk. The handwriting was awful and unable to read. I frowned in antipathy when I saw how messy the notebook was. There was no way I could read a single word from there. The lady looked up at me with her blue eyes and a smile on her face.

"Sir McAllister hasn't come yet. Would you like to wait him on a table?"

She’s gotta be fucking kidding me! I have always hated people who come late to a meeting; it was really annoying – besides, I hated waiting. As much as I wanted to leave and forget about this guy, I knew it wouldn't be polite to run off like this. My body tensed and my hands turned into fists. I sighed heavily, trying my best to relax.

"Fine," I said with a boring tone and waved my hand dismissively.

A young man approached me and told me to follow him. As I walked, I observed the people sitting. Everyone seemed to be a millionaire in some way. Women were wearing fancy and elegant dresses that were obviously expensive, sitting with the companion of men - mostly old aged men. I had always hated places like this; full of selfish people who believe that by having so much money, they were inclined to ruin someone's life by breaking a family apart. They were all disgusting pigs and sluts.

The voice of the young man guiding me broke my thoughts. I saw him pointing to the table that I would be sitting alone for who knows how much time. I sat on the chair, placed the suitcase on my legs to keep it safe, and ordered an All-Irish Black And Tan drink. Seventeen minutes later, Newton appeared with a smile on his face. Did he think that keeping me waiting here was funny? I stared directly to his eyes with furrowed eyebrows and a clenched jaw.

I would've killed him so many years ago, but I needed him more than anything else; you could say he was my drug dealer in a way. If he's gone, my drug is gone. He was the one, and only one, that knew what I'm addicted to and he seemed not to have a problem; maybe because he earns money with my help. The work is simple; he gets the client who wants to get something clean and my job is to get it done.

"Sorry I was late," he coughed in between words. The waiter came to our table and Newton ordered a Dirty Martini - not a surprise for me since that was the only drink he would always get. He continued talking. "There is someone that needs your help. His wife cheated on him with one of his so called friends again, so he grew tired of her already and he wants to get rid of her."

I rolled my eyes and had a sip of my drink. Such a typical excuse. Almost more than half of the work I did was because of the exact same reason; some bitches never changed. I looked directly in Newton's eyes and studied his facial expressions. He seemed somehow happy and excited for making this deal, as if this life was what he wanted - fully benefiting from the death. I inhaled deeply and took the last sip of my glass.

"We're talking about a woman so the price will be 30,000 dollars. Give me the information to get out of here." My peace was depleted - not that I had plenty - and staying in this place much longer would only cause me to explode. Newton handed me an orange folder and nodded while drinking his martini. I stored the folder inside the briefcase and left the restaurant without saying another word.

I walked silently into a nightclub, not even covering my face but instead pretending I came to have fun, though it was a complete lie. The music was loud and I could barely hear people's laughs. I sat on one of the bar's seat and looked carefully to everyone's faces, searching for someone. It was hard to find one face in the crowd, especially when no one stayed still. I remembered in detail on the information inside the folder Newton had given me. The woman had short brunette hair, dark green eyes and a rocking body. She was supposed to be here tonight and by knowing her reputation, she would be trying to hook up with some guy.

Some minutes passed until I saw her dancing with two men in some erotic way. That was the woman who I was going to kill tonight; I smiled at that thought. I headed towards the dance floor directly to her. I grabbed her by her waist, making her jump a little and turning fast to face me. For a few seconds she didn't react, but by seeing the smile on my face she forgot all of her instincts and began dancing. I knew I couldn't kill her in the middle of the dance floor; it wasn't wise. 

We danced for almost half an hour and my urge to kill her grew stronger.

It is time.

I closed my eyes and smiled as I heard her screams and saw her deep gaze inside my head. Her body began to get closer to mine, enough to feel her smooth skin brushing mine delicately. I placed my hand on her face and kissed her with so much lust. She kissed me back pushing me against a wall. Her hands rubbed every part of my body and her leg was around mine. I pressed her against a corner kissing her neck and at the same time taking the blade out of my pocket.

Her moans aroused my body.

The blade in my right hand was so close to her abdomen almost enough to embed her, but I waited a little longer. I closed my eyes again and waited for the perfect moment.

Kill her, now!

Without much effort, the blade penetrated her body. She winced in pain. I could hear her small scream so clearly but only for a few seconds. She tried fighting back but her strength wasn't enough. I embedded her again and again until her body stopped moving completely. The feeling I had at that moment was indescribable; it felt so damn good. I breathed deeply before letting go of her.

I looked around to the people dancing - they were too drunk or high to even notice what just happened. I stared at the dead woman once again and for the last time. Her eyes were blank and her blue dress had a dark red stain, which was now reaching to the floor. I smirked and walked to the dance floor dancing with the first woman I could find. After several minutes, someone screamed, creating a chaos inside the nightclub. I smiled again and headed out before any police could get there.

The walk home was quiet and peaceful. As I got inside my apartment I took off my clothes that were probably stained with some blood and threw them to a small basket. I walked towards the bathroom and washed the blade thoroughly, making sure I got all the blood out and then storing it inside a drawer where I kept about twenty different type of blades and knives.

My body was exhausted; the adrenaline had worn out my body. I lay down on my bed remembering every single second I spent with that woman, laughing at the memory of killing her.

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