Part 17. Here's Looking At You

Start from the beginning

"Okay so, how do we deal with this?"

"We don't say anything. If we say anything, it'll just validate this news. Don't even acknowledge it."

"This is part of the mess, isn't it?"

The couple turned to see John being led in by Alfred. Selina looked between them.

"What mess?"

"When I refused Falcone, he threatened you. I think he may have been related to the murder of the socialite, but I can't figure out how he would know to bring in Catwoman. Or, how he would have come across enough information to expose you. How many people do you know, who have both information?"

"Only Leslie, and Maggie." She stalled a second. "And Harley and Ivy, but they only know a little..."

Bruce gave her the look that said 'really?'

"Sorry. But no one else, I swear!"

Except Sylvia.

"What about Sylvia?" Bruce asked simultaneously.

"No. We're close, but not that close."

That was the biggest lie of all.

"What are you guys gonna do?"

They ended up sending out an addendum to the invitations for the next day's anniversary. Guests could skip if they didn't feel mature enough to avoid conversation about recent events. And the media was seriously and very legally warned to drop the news. The anniversary dinner was short attended, but that just made it even better.

The couple planned on keeping a united front, which wasn't trouble for a couple in their second year of marriage. No interviews or news covered the story, and it simmered down; a neat trick to send a message to the perpetrators.

As an extra part of positive publicity, John invited the Waynes to spend an entire day at the orphanage. The publicity was just an added bonus; but John had promised the kids that he would get Bruce Wayne to hang out with them. The excited young audience was a much needed happy welcome to the Waynes.

They were given a tour of the place and the children displayed special projects and presented welcoming presents and et cetera. The entire morning passed with introductory activities, and then the evening activities came around. Bruce promised to cover dinner after the kids put on their play at night. Till then, Selina held a ceramics class with the children while Bruce attended a meeting with the adults.

Afterwards, with Bruce now busy with an over seas conference call, John led the children out for basketball. Selina played their startup game, but went to sit court side as John took class.

Bruce meanwhile was somewhere on the second floor, watching the game through the window. Even while dividing his attention between the game and the call, Bruce was very aware of his surroundings. A skilled toned so well, he caught a kid climbing a tree to sneak in through a second floor window. This was all very entertaining to the detective within.

Thankfully, the call was coming to an end and Bruce hastened to finish it, the boy still stuck in his mind. He looked around the place trying to find him, but kept bumping into everyone but. Bruce decided to drop it and join the others, and that's where he found the kid sitting alone on some isolated bleachers.

"Alright, what have we got here?" Bruce rolled up his sleeves and joined the game.

"Basketball practice, if you care to join."

"Absolutely! Pass the ball," he held out his hands.

"Why don't you come get it?"

Mrs. Wayne led the oohs from the bleachers.

"Haha. Don't embarrass yourself."

"So far, that's only you."

John-2 Bruce-0

"Alright, fine. Bring it on, Blake."

John was playing home game and the court was on his side.

"JB! JB!" Selina lead the chant. Bruce stopped to confront her, putting his hands on his hips in a 'really?' stance. Selina just playfully shrugged and booed him.

It was on! The intensity went up a notch and the tables began to turn. The crowd hushed as Bruce got the upper hand. Try as he might, John couldn't get the ball, and Bruce ended the game with a metaphorically shattering dunk. The crowd turned, cheering for Wayne.

In true sportsmanship, John huffed over and gave him a congratulatory bro hug. Bruce noticed the kid still sitting on the steps and motioned for John to tell him more.

Jason Todd was the kid's name.

"Tough game, John. Guess your coach needs coaching, huh!"

The joke was well received.

"Hmm, let's see," Bruce fake thought, looking around.

Suddenly, he bounced the basketball hard in Jason's direction. The ball caught the kid by surprise but he swiftly caught it inches from his face.

"Hey, what's the deal man!?"

"Basketball practice."

"No shit! You're lucky I caught it! What if I hadn't?"

"Well, then I guess you would have a splitting headache."

The others found it funny too.

"Everything a joke to you?"

"Funny things are."

The laughter fumed his frustration even more and he launched the ball at Bruce's head. It went right into his hands instead.

"Nice throw!"

Jason growled and walked away, but fell to the ground when this time the ball hit his back. He managed to get himself back up and faced the laughing crowd.

"What is your deal, man!?"

"Still basketball practice. It's good for hand eye coordination."

Jason rolled his eyes and dribbled the ball back to court.

"I don't play." The ball bounced to Bruce.

"I don't care." To Jason. "You've got good reflexes; help me coach the rest. Can't have a team with one player."

Jason reluctantly gave in and immediately tried to start the game by dribbling the ball away from Bruce, but Bruce obviously had had more practice at hand eye coordination. The game went on and Bruce coached step by step, using deep metaphors and getting the boys to click.

Selina could see through the play, and noticed how well Bruce and this kid got along. John noticed Jason being genuinely interested in something for the first time; except for his interest in the Batman. Oh wouldn't this kid flip if he knew!

Only if he knew.

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