I remember how angry I was supposed to feel. I remember the overwhelming sadness that so wanted to feel. I remember feeling trapped with my emotions.  Something stopped me from feeling. Whatever he gave me stopped me from feeling the fury, and the hurt, and the pain that I tried so hard to feel last night.

It all comes rushing at me now.

I sit with Ava and Kylie as I sob. I can't believe I did it again. I let myself get hurt again. It's my fault.

"I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid. I'm so stupid," I bawl into them. They don't say anything as I drown their shirts in my tears. They just sit and rub my back. My cries echo around the room as I let out all of the emotions strangling me right now.

I'm not sure how long I sit and cry for. It feels like hours, but I know that's just my stupid head screwing with me even more. Eventually the tears come to a stop, and I become a tear-stained statue in the arms of my friends.

"What happened after you guys found me last night?" I weakly mumble.

"They called me," the soothing voice of Kylie responds. "My father is a doctor at the hospital, and they were worried about you because you looked like Hell. You were barely conscious, and you kept vomiting. When I got to the party, Keiran was sitting out front with you laying on the grass beside him. I walked over to check you out, just to make sure you were okay with all the junk Parker had been putting in your drinks."

"Then Kylie and Alex brought you to your house. They went together, because Kylie wasn't going to be able to take you by herself.  Alex was the one who explained to your Aunt Kerstin what happened at the party. She was totally distraught, by the way. She didn't want to go into work today, but we made her. We told her that we could take care of you." Ava says this part of the story while stroking my hair. I feel her pull it back and begin to braid it.

"I'm assuming that Jay got beat up because he tried to fight Parker?" I ask quietly. I hear both the girls sigh at this.

"Both Jay and Keiran tried to. They were doing pretty good, too, until Parker got his backup. Two of his friends, Isaac and Walt, came into the room and jumped into the fight. Jay and Keiran are good, but the other guys are way better. I've heard rumors about them being in gangs, and fight clubs, but no one really knows. All I can really say is the boys ended up getting their butts handed to them."

I poke my head up and see that it's just us girls in the room now. At some point the guys snuck out of the room. I look at both of the girls and my heart swells.

"Thank you for being here for me. I seriously mean it. Ava, thanks for jumping in and helping like a sister would. Kylie, even though we just met not too long ago, thanks for dropping what you were doing to come help me. You are both amazing friends, and I can't express how grateful I am."

Kylie shrugs her shoulders and smiles at me. "Don't worry about it. You're the one who taught me that making friends isn't so bad. Plus, my episodes of Teen Wolf could wait."

"I don't know how you managed to part with Teen Wolf. That's pretty hard to do, if I have to say so myself," Ava states with a look of exaggerated shock on her face.

"I totally agree," I state. "Like, come on, who would voluntarily give up watching Stiles make a fool of himself repeatedly? Those are my favourite parts." The other girls murmur in agreement, and I smile lightly. Them being here is making the whole situation seem more bearable. I don't know if I could do it without them.

"I just had an amazing idea. Why don't we all just stay here for the day and binge watch Teen Wolf? I'd rather watch Tyler Posey walk around all hot and dreamy than go out and socialize with actual human beings," Kylie suggests.

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