o n e | beginning

Começar do início

As the 24th ranked hero walked away, Izuku remained bloodied and bruised in the alleyway corner. He was speechless.

Katsuki and his goons got a few good last kicks in before they stopped.

"Would you look at that..." Katsuki stated menacingly," Not even a PRO wants to save this quirkless son of a bitch!" He exclaimed, making his two peers laugh.

As they taunted him with various vicious remarks, Midoriya just stared at the spot where the supposed 'hero' stood a few minutes prior.

He couldn't help but feel a bit rejected.

A little?


A lot.

...more than usual.

But who rejected him?

Many people.

His childhood bully.

The bully's lackeys...

Let's see.

His whole school.

The general public.

And the heroes.


What is a hero?

He didn't know anymore.

Ever since All Might rejected him and he took the long way home, he'd been skeptical.

He still needed to think.

But what he did know, was that no matter how many people walked by:

No one helped the little quirkless boy in the alley.

It was moments like these that made people think,

that made people realize,

that helped them find answers.

The moment when one last push, shoves you over the edge and you fall.

Fall down the cliff.

What's at the bottom at the cliff may you ask?




It was getting quite dark and Izuku had stopped struggling.

He stopped his cries for help, his cries in agony, his cries for mercy.

His unanswered cries.

His rejected cries.

His... overlooked cries.

His cries in anguish, fear and pain.

They stopped.


Because he hit the bottom of the cliff.

He realized, that all this time he had been foolishly avoiding the cliff.

But life gave him the shove he needed to realize that falling off was what he needed.

What he wanted.

What he craved.

All his answers were at the bottom of this one fated cliff.

And he just needed to find them in the fog.


His green and black hair masked his eyes as he silently laid on the cold floor, receiving the last of the kicks.

i n f l u e n c eOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora