Chapter 14- Caught

Start from the beginning

"Sup guys!" Tyler waves back.

"Dallas meet Grayson, Ethan, Emma, and James." Each one of them says a hi or hello back to me.

"These were the friends I was telling you about." Tyler adds.

I nod in return. I wasn't really trying to make any new friends. I guess I'll just call them acquaintances since I most likely will never see them again in my life. Which I hopefully won't.

We all turn around and go to the ledge. I pull out my phone and saw the time was 8pm. A fight just ended and so i'm hoping next is Emilio's fight. If we're being honest that's mostly the reason why I still agreed to go.

HEY! Don't judge. You would've done it too if you were in my position. Anyways Tyler really isn't my type. I don't date anyways so it will all work out.

"Are you ready for our main event!" I hear the announcer yell.

The crowd roars in joy. I already see a bunch of people placing their bets. I could place a bet buttt eh I don't have an excuse. I just don't like the West ring all that much.

"In the right corner we have Storm!" he drags out.

Storm comes into the ring jumping up and down. The crowd is in a mix of boo's and cheering. Mainly boo's. I'm not surprised. It looks like it's his first time fighting.

"And in the left corner we have Asher!" the announcer drags out and yells louder.

The crowd immediately cheers. I hardly hear any boo's. That's weird. She just lost last week. This gym is weird. I know that if I lost last week I would be disowned and never show my face again.

Okay I'm being over dramatic but you get the point of it.

Asher walks out into the ring. Okay wait. Shouldn't I act confused in front of Tyler and his friends? Eh what the heck.

"Wait." I start off.

All 5 of them then their heads towards me.

"Is that Emilio?" I ask stupidly.

"Yeah. Everyone knows he fights here. Haven't you heard the rumors?" Emma says in a sassy tone.

Jeez she didn't have to sass me back like that.

"Well I did but I didn't think they were true." I say staring at the ring.

"Well now you know why Emilio didn't want you to come." Tyler says.

"Is he good?" I ask.

God they are soo gullible.

"Well he was undefeated until this fighter Lexi broke his streak last week." Grayson says.

I smile on the inside.

I hear two bells go off and that's when I look at the ring again. They are starting to fight. Asher and Storm get into their fighting stances.

I can already tell Asher is going to win. Storm's fighting stance is bad. He is only covering his face and not his body. This might be a quick fight.

Asher and Storm start to circle around each other. Storm charges at Asher but Asher was quickly and was able to move away on time while punching Storm in the stomach.

Storm tumbled to the ground and got up quickly. He charges at Asher again but Asher throws another punch but at Storm's head this time.

About a few minutes later Asher was on top of Storm throwing punches repeatedly at him. The bell rang and Asher got off of Storm. Storm wasn't moving so i'm assuming he was unconscious.

I Punched Emilio MartinezWhere stories live. Discover now