Moving In

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A\N Sorry for the delay i should have updated sooner I'm the worst this will be short but it's something.

Levi's pov

Eren just came in with some other random people including that bitch from our second date. Anyway they just packed my shit and took it all and just left gone my stuff is gone! What the fuck!? "Eren!!" I yelled for him. "Yeah what's up?" He asked as if he didn't just empty my house. "Where's my stuff!?" I asked with so much angry. "Calm down its all at my house." He said calmly. "Yeah. Why is it there!?" I yelled some more. He looked at me like I was the crazy one. "Cuz I can't keep you safe if your here." He said and left. What the f what the f-ing F!? "Come on Levi let's go home!" But I am home......

A\N it's short but I couldn't not write.

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