40. Love or Temptation

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As Kim Dahyun worked with Jeongyeon and Chaeyoung, she had made friends with them. She especially got closer to Jeongyeon. Chaeyoung was just very careful around her so as not to get in trouble with Mina. Jeongyeon had quit from the call center and now he literally lived in front of his computer. Kim Dahyun was shocked to see that Jeongyeon could sit in front of the monitor and work for incredible long hours.

'You work really hard,' Dahyun told Jeongyeon. They were in Jeongyeon's makeshift office in their house. Chaeyoung had gone to take a nap after coming back from Callbox. Sana was in the kitchen preparing tea and snacks.

'Mm, I need to make money,' Jeongyeon replied.

'But aren't you a little extreme, Jeongyeon-ssi?'

'The world respect only those with money, Dahyun-ssi. We all need to have money to breathe freely in this world. That's why I work hard.'

Dahyun nodded. She noticed Jeongyeon blinking his eyes frequently as he stared intently at his screen as he worked.

'Are your eyes alright, Jeongyeon-ssi?' she said.

'Yeah, I'm fine,' he rubbed his eyes and continued working. Dahyun continued to observe him.

'You know, Jeongyeon-ssi, my field of expertise is ophthalmology. You look uncomfortable. If you have any problem you can tell me.'

'I...' Jeongyeon said after contemplating briefly, 'I have been experiencing slight headaches. My vision is blurred right now.'

'Does it go back to normal after you have rested for a while?'

'Yes, I guess. I have no problem in the morning. After working for few hours, things starts getting blurry.'

'Sounds like nothing serious but eyes strain. You're overusing your eyes. If you don't take proper care, it could take a toll on your health. Adjust the screen brightness once in a while. Looking outside the window every 15 or 20 minutes will help your eyes relax.'

'Tea is here,' Sana chimed, entering with tea and snacks on a tray. She kept the tray on a desk. 'Call me if you need anything. I'll be in the living room,' she said.

'Thank you, Sana,' they said.

'What do you recommend for the headache?' Jeongyeon asked, reaching for his tea.

'If you rest well, it will go away. Massage should help,' Dahyun said and sipped her tea.


'May I?' she said, keeping her cup of tea down.

'Uh.. okay.'

Dahyun got up and stood behind Jeongyeon. She carefully placed her fingers on his temples and moved in circular motion.

'Close your eyes. Let them rest,' she said, pressing her finger tips on his forehead while her thumbs kneaded his temples. He obliged and closed his eyes, his body was tensed. Dahyun ran her fingers down the side of his ears, down to his neck and squeezed his nape. He sighed deeply and started to relax. His sleep deprived state was succumbing to the pleasurable sensation; he was having a brain lapse, in which he saw Momo smiling at him.

'When will you come see me, Jeongyeon-ah?' Momo asked.

'Very soon, Momo-ya. I'm working hard. I miss you,' he said, overwhelmed with longingness.

'I miss you too. Take me away with you.'

'I will, Momo. I will. Just wait for me.'

'Jeongyeon-ssi?' Dahyun shook his body and he gained back his sense.

The things we do for love (Twice FF| Completed|Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now