34. Plan B

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Chaeyoung instantly discussed his plan B with Gu the next day.

'He doesn't tell me the location of such deals beforehand. But I can casually ask him about it,' Gu said during a call with Chaeyoung.

'Please do. This may be our last chance,' Chaeyoung said.


On the other hand, Mina waited for Chaeyoung to talk to her, since he knew that she had wanted to have a chat with him the other day. But Chaeyoung was too preoccupied, he had completely forgotten about it. It upset Mina even more because she felt like she had been used and thrown. The more she thought about it, the more distressed she was.

Meanwhile, Gu had bad news for Chaeyoung. He rang him up to broke the news.

'Yes, got the location?' Chaeyoung asked. He came to an empty conference hall of Callbox so that he could have some privacy.

'Yes. There's an old warehouse in Hwawon. They will meet there. But wait, there's more news,' Gu said.


'Taekyung had been wanting to demolish the warehouse and build a new factory there. The workers are currently on strike. Taekyung has moved out all the goods to safety and piled up oil drums there. After the deal, he is going to burn down the place. He is going to blame the strikers. One, he gets insurance money from the bank. Two, if he somehow he proves that the workers burn down the place, he will get compensation for the goods from their union. But the goods are actually safe in another warehouse. He is a selfish devil, Chaeyoung.'

'Wow, if we pull this off, we are saving a lot more people than we knew,' Chaeyoung said, dumbfounded after what he heard.

'If they're going to set the place on fire, coming out of that place will be hard for you. So I drew a layout of an exit. You must follow that before the place is burnt down. I'll send you a picture of the layout. But I also have a worry. What if the evidence cannot leave the building?'

Chaeyoung tried to understand what Gu's question meant. The latter had chose his words carefully. He meant, what if Chaeyoung couldn't leave the building before it's burnt down, since the evidence of Taekyung's business deal would be with him. Honestly he was scared but there was no turning back. Because turning back could mean Mina's murder in near future.

'The evidence will leave the building before I do,' Chaeyoung said with a heavy heart. 'Because I will film their business and broadcast it live in my blog.'

'Okay. Good luck, Son Chaeyoung,' Gu said and cut the line.

Chaeyoung stared at the screen of his phone waiting for Gu to send the picture of the layout he prepared, he stared till the screen turned black.

'So, we are going to Hwawon tomorrow,' Jeongyeon said from behind Chaeyoung and startled the latter.

'We are not going. "I" am going. When did you enter?' Chaeyoung said.

'Since the start of the conversation. I was following you. You were too preoccupied to notice me. And I'm going with you. You're not my father to stop me.'

'You heard the conversation, right? It's unpredictable, we don't know if we will make it out alive. We are going to a strange place we have never been. It's too dangerous.'

'Let's be positive. Gu is sending the exit plan. We will get out just fine. Don't take it all on yourself. It's not anymore about just you or Mina. It's a lot bigger than the two of you now. I will go with you. Who knows when you will need my help,' said Jeongyeon encouragingly.

'Fine... Let's not tell the girls though,' Chaeyoung said.

'Okay. Let's go out. Break is almost over,' Jeongyeon patted Chaeyoung's shoulder and the two of them stood up to leave.

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