25. Life is a rollercoaster

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'I'm sorry, ma'am. I... I don't know what to say,' Chaeyoung said.

'Don't be sorry. In fact, thank you. if you didn't do this I would have never known what he was doing behind my back,' Mina sniffed. Her phone rang. It was Taekyung but she cut it off and switched off her phone. She began to sob.

Chaeyoung felt pity for her. She looked so heartbroken. He wondered if any girl he slept with cried like that after he left them. He stood up and went to her side. He slowly pulled out the headset Mina was wearing. He felt tongue-tied in situations like this. He wondered if he should hug her but he hesitated and placed a hand on her shoulder, ready for a hug in case she needed it.

'If you need to vent, I'm here,' he said softly. She shook her head, still sobbing. And Chaeyoung kept standing beside her, being a silent support to her.

'I want to go home,' she finally said after crying for a while.

'Let me see if it's okay to go out,' he said and walked to the door to check the corridor. He did not want their manager to be seen crying at workplace. Mina wouldn't want that either. The corridors and offices weren't as bustling as afternoons, which was good for them. Chaeyoung returned back to Mina.

'My bag is still in my office,' she said.

'I'll go get it.'

Chaeyoung went to Mina's office and brought her bag. He handed her the bag.

'Look down and walk close to me, hide behind me,' he told her. She did as he told her and he walked her to her car. They were easily able to dodge attention on the way.

Once at the parking lot, Chaeyoung mustered up all his courage and hugged Mina. It wasn't a short and abrupt hug, it was lingering and comforting.

'Look, I'm probably the worst person to speak on relationship,' he said, 'but I know this that he doesn't deserve you and all the tears you shed for him is a waste. And I believe you will meet someone better than him. I may not be able to understand exactly how you feel, I am a shallow guy but I want to help you if I can. So if you ever need anyone to talk to, I will listen. '

Mina broke the hug and looked at him. 'Thank you,' she said, giving him a weak smile. 'At least he doesn't pretend to be as good as saint and accepts himself as the person he is,' she thought. She got in her car.

'Will you be okay driving alone?' he asked. She nodded.

'See you tomorrow then,' he said. She nodded again and drove off.

Chaeyoung secretly followed her, far behind her but close enough to keep her car in sight. He just wanted to make sure that she was home safe and sound. He left her neighbourhood when he saw her enter her house.

For the next few days, Chaeyoung at least talked to her once, either before or after work. To do that he either came early to work or got off late. He thought that he should at least keep on checking if she was all right since he was involved in her breakup. However, their interactions were limited to greetings and Chaeyoung asking how she was. In actuality, he didn't care more than that. Mina was glad he talked to her and at the same time she was glad that he didn't linger around her too much because she was introverted and over-interaction during sensitive condition like hers could prove bothersome to her. In that way their brief meetings were just perfect for both of them for the time being.


'Jeongyeon-ah~~' Momo cooed.

'What is it?' Jeongyeon said, he was cleaning the refrigerator.

'See this,' she showed him a flyer.

'Weekend sale?'

'Yes. Let's go.'

The things we do for love (Twice FF| Completed|Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now