Chapter 2

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Many moons ago, during the dark war, Adderstep and Honeyleap had their first litter of kits. Naming them Lightningkit, Jackalkit, and Lilykit. The three kits were despised and were looked down on from the rest of Flame clan as they were half clans.

With Honeyleap originally being of Berryclan blood, the three were thought to be weak and useless and so were treated like their mother had been by the clan.

Their parents had met during a gathering, and a connection had broken out bringing the two closer together every time they saw each other.

After many moons of secret border meetings, Cinderheart, a bitter warrior of Berryclan, discovered what they were doing and immediately alerted Greystar who was the leader of Berryclan at that time.

Though as Honeyleap was of his kin, Greystar decided to let Honeyleap leave the clan peacefully. With all of her love directed to Adderstep she willingly left and joined Flameclan, leaving all her friends and family behind.

When the kits turned four moons old, Honeyleap and Adderstep began to fear for their kits as the Flameclan leader Blackstar had begun to have kits become apprentices at around four to five moons old, defying the warrior code.

One night after hearing that Blackstar had plans to apprentice the three in the morning, Adderstep and Honeyleap decided to leave with their kits before it was too late.

But just as they passed through the entrance of the camp they were surrounded by warriors forcing them to stop. With Adderstep refusing to return to camp a huge fight broke out, where Adderfoot was killed but luckily Honeyleap and the kits managing to escape.

With nowhere to go and starving kits growing weaker by the hour, Honeyleap decided to go to the only place she knew of.

Arriving at Berryclan borders she collided with a dawn patrol including her littermate Snowpelt. Recognising her sister immediately; Snowpelt brought her and the kits back to camp where they were soon accepted back into the clan.

Many moons past and the three were made into apprentices and life in Berryclan thrived. Until that fateful day when Flameclan attacked, demanding to have the three back, stating that they were theirs.

With Honeyleap, who by now was pregnant with a second litter, refused once again to hand them over, a fight broke out between the two clans.

In the midst of the battle, Honeyleap was killed by Badgerpelt, the Flameclan deputy. With Lilykit following who had attempted to avenge her mother.

Berryclan managed to fight off Flameclan, making them retreat back to their territory, but at a terrible price. While there were only the two killed, Flameclan had also managed to steal Jackalpaw, leaving Lightningpaw all alone.

Many, many moons went by and the dark war came to an end, with Lightningpaw, now Lightningblaze deputy of Berryclan, managing to settle a truce with Blackstar who was on the verge of retiring.

With the war over clan life became peaceful once again and everyone was happy and for the first time in moons, they felt safe.

A few moons later news came round stating that Jackalfang had become the leader of Flameclan after Blackstar having his last life taken by a snake attack.

After being 'brain-washed' by Blackstar, Jackalstar became determined to defeat Berryclan and take their territory for Flameclan.

After killing off Greystar, Jackalstar set his eyes upon his brother the newly named Lightningstar. Determined to wipe out Berryclan, Flameclan has been attacking non-stop to this day.

So what do you think? (Sorry for the longer chapter.) Yeah I know 2 updates in one day, yeah yeah yeah. I was bored okay?! And I had my mind brimming with ideas for this chapter.

So anyway what did you think? I know this chapter is kinda rushed but I wanted to get Lightningstars background out there as soon as I could because parts of his backstory will be cropping up in the main story.

So vote, comment, follow.


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