Chapter 3

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"But I thought the dark war was over," Goldenkit said confused.

"It is." Foxrose told her calmly, "The dark war is over, this war is bigger." The elder continued, "We are in the middle of the war of the forest." She stated, looking down at the two kits.

"Because Flameclan wants to take the forest from Berryclan," Meadowkit spoke up. Foxrose purred at Meadowkit, "That is correct little one."

"We've beaten them before and we can and will do it again." A deep voice spoke up from the entrance of the elders' den. "Whos that?" Then as if to answer Goldenkit's thoughts, in walked Lightningstar.

"Telling the kits of the dark war Foxrose?" The leader of Berryclan meowed calmly, though Goldenkit could sense the hint of amusement in Lightningstar's voice.

"Something like that," Foxrose replied calmly, exchanging a look with Lightningstar which proved to Goldenkit that he already knew which story Foxrose had been telling to her and Meadowkit.

"Its nearly time for you two to be apprenticed isn't it?" Said Lightningstar, swiftly changing the subject.

"Yes, we're really excited," Meadowkit replied for the two of us, knowing that Goldenkit would have just started to ramble on about it, as she did for the last moon.

"I think you two will become great warriors." Foxrose murmured.

"As do I." Lightningstar told them solemnly, "I believe that you two will do great things for your clan."

Beaming with joy, the two kits walked out of the elders' den with their heads and tails held high. "Starclan knows why you two mouse brains are strutting about like that." Said a voice from behind them.

Goldenkit and Meadowkit whirled round at the same time and bumped into one another while looking for the owner of the voice. Giving each over a quick glare they got to their feet and saw that it was Fawnwing who had given the remark.

"It doesn't concern you," Goldenkit told the warrior cheekily. Fawnwing gave the two a quick glare before getting up to go to the fresh kill pile when Brightheart appeared in front of him.

"What are you doing Fawnwing?" The Berryclan deputy asked though it was pretty clear to every cat in the camp about what he was doing.

"If you're not doing anything important you can join Thistledown, Mintswirl, and Ravenpaw on border patrol," Brightheart told him. "Yes, Brightheart." He muttered before joining the other three and heading out of camp.


"Goldenkit , Meadowkit, Stormkit come here!" Swiftleap called to her kits. The three stopped their game, in the morning sun, immediately and padded over to their mother.

"What is it Swiftleap?" Poppykit asked, purring proudly Swiftleap replied, "Your apprentice ceremony is a sunhigh."

So what do you think? Now that you have been properly introduced to Lightningstar what do you think of him?

Yes, I know this is the third update in two days but I just want to get as many chapters published as I can before I go back to school in four days.

So anyway, Poppykit's apprentice ceremony is coming!!! I also need some help from you guys.

Okay, so I need some help deciding who will mentor Poppykit, at the minute its a tie between Daisybloom and Brackenfrost.

Comment below which you think.

So anyway,

Vote, comment, follow.


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