Finding Simon pt.1

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Nalani's POV

We all start running around looking for Simon. "SIMON, SIMON." Me and Clary are yelling. "Is that the mundane's name? I'm afraid Simon's coming with us." Some random guy said. He was standing on top of a bridge type thing. He was holding Simon upside down and there was a girl wearing a red dress next to them.

"No! No, he's not a part of this." I cried. Trying to get out of Izzy's grip so I could try and get Simon. Clary was doing the same thing to Blondie.

"And it'll be my pleasure to kill you unless you return him." Blondie said still holding back Clary. "Careful. We'd be violating the Accords." Alec said putting his hand on Blondie's arm. He was trying to hold me back but I kept moving away from him.

"I'm afraid your sidekick's quite right. The Night Children have broken no laws. We're negotiating. The mundane, unharmed, in exchange for the Mortal Cup. And the clock is ticking. Tick-tock, people." The guy holding Simon said before flashing away with Simon.

"Clary! Lani!" Simon yelled before completely disappearing. "Simon No! Simon! Simon! Simon! Simon!" Me and Clary yelled after them.

:::: Back at the institute ::::

"I still don't understand. How can Shadowhunters be better than than what you people call mundanes?" Clary asked when we walked into the institute. I leaned against the wall away from Alec. He tried to talk to me on the way over here but I just ignored him.

"Because we protect humans." Izzy said. "You're right. Humans. You protect humans. You left Simon all alone in the van. Great job, guys. You rock." I snapped still upset.

"There is some truth to the idea that human beings should have a modicum of common sense." Alec said staring at me like he has been since we first started walking. "Alec, not now." Izzy said hugging me because I started crying again.

"Look, they won't do anything to Simon. They just wanted to draw you out. They want the Cup, and they think you guys have it." Blondie said reassuring me and Clary.

"But why do they think that? Why does anyone think that? What, our mom lies to us our entire lives except, "Oh, by the way, there's this magic cup, I hid on, like, the planet Bongo, but don't tell anyone. " What are we supposed to do now?" Clary said throwing her arms up in the air.

"We have to report to the Clave." Alec said. "Great." I said while rolling my eyes.

"They have to know we've learned about Valentine." He said back. Still looking at me. "What, that he's our father? Great. Fine.Fine. Tell them. What good does that do Simon?" I yelled back at him.

"Lani, it's all connected. The vamps want the Cup." Blondie told me. "Why? It makes new Shadowhunters." Clary asked obviously confused.

"Nobody wants Valentine forming an army loyal to himself. Plus, it controls demons. They'll propose a trade. Simon for the Cup." Izzy said from my side.

"So, vampires will trade Simon for the Cup and Valentine will trade our mother for the Cup. Either way, we lose someone we love. What if we just toss it up in the air and let them fight it out among themselves?" Clary said shrugging. I nodded agreeing with her. This has all been way too much.

"So this doesn't matter to either of you?" Alec said finally looking away from me for .5 seconds to look over at Clary.

"Yes, of course, it matters! Listen when you saved our lives we put our trust in you. Now, I need you to put your trust in us. I can't turn into what you are overnight." Clary said looking over at Blondie and Alec.

I shook my head, "I trust Blondie and Izzy. So I only trust one person that saved us, Clar." Alec looked hurt when I said that but it's his fault. He was about to say something but I put my hand up to stop him.

"It's true. They were raised as mundane's." Izzy said defending us. "What are you, their spokesman now?" Alec asked rolling his eyes.

"We don't need a spokesman, we need a plan." I said walking away. "You guys think of a plan. Come get me when we are leaving. I'm going to my room. When this night is over can I sleep in your room Iz? I don't think I can sleep in mine." She nodded and I walked away.

I heard her tell no so I guess Alec was gonna try and follow me. I got to my room and went over to my bags. I changed into a black tank top, black skinny jeans, black leather jacket, and black heel boots that came up to right above my ankles.

I walked out the room looking down and walked right into someone. I looked up and it was the one person I didn't wanna see, Alec. "Can we please talk, Lani?" He pleaded. I nodded my head because I didn't trust what was gonna come out of my mouth.

He pulled me back into my room and sat me down on one of the chairs. "I'm sorry ok. I wasn't thinking and I snapped. Hearing that the guy I hate is your father just clicked something in me. I regretted everything I said and accusing you of being a spy and a liar. Please forgive me."

I didn't know what to say so I hugged him. He hugged back after a second of shock that I was actually being near him willingly. I heard a squeal and giggling from the door and looked behind Alec and saw Izzy and Clary. "He's never apologize to anyone about anything so you're really lucky. If you hurt her again I'll stab you with my sereph blade."

He looked scared after what she said so I kissed his cheek and he started smiling again. I grabbed his hand and pulled him out of my room after my sister and Izzy. "We have to go somewhere else to find weapons. Jace said he knows where to get them. So lets go lovebirds." Izzy said before pulling Clary away.

I blushed and noticed that Alec had stopped walking. I turned around to him and he pulled me by my hand into his chest. He leaned down and kissed me. I kissed back. We only pulled away because there was clapping and giggling behind us.

I turned and saw Blondie, Clary, and Izzy. "Whoo. You guys are together and I got a kiss." I blushed and shooed them away. I pulled Alec next to me so we could leave.

I'm going to start updating every Tuesday for this story. I was going to do it every day but school starts next week so it'd be too much with homework and everything.

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