10. Dealing with things

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Alexis' P.O.V 

Why on earth would he help me? He doesn't even know me. We've met once and only spoken to each other when our drama teacher said we needed to try out for the play. Right in front of me, is standing the one and only Chase, the unidentified guy from my drama class. It's still weird that his name isn't on the list, but it's probably a mistake. 

Chase stares at me in silence, like I'm not even awake. Like he doesn't think I can see him staring at me, it's really creepy. I wave my hand in front of his face, earning myself a confusing glare. He's the one staring, not my fault.

'Can you talk?' I ask, still waving my hand in front of his face.

'Yes,' he says, shrugging.

'Why did you bring me here?'

'You needed help and didn't want to go to the nurse, so I brought you to my room.'

'I got that part, why did you help me? Why did you even listen to me? Everyone else would've brought me back to the nurse, without a doubt.'

'You asked me not to, so I didn't.' 

'Well, thank you.' 

'No problem,' he shrugs. 

'If you excuse me, I need to fix some things. Stef messed some things up and now I need to be quick, or else they won't let me alone.' 

Chase looks at me with a confused look in his eyes, but I ignore him. No time to explain everything I've just said, it's not his business. I don't know why I've said that in the first place, he probably doesn't know who Stefan is and doesn't care either. 

'What's up between Stefan and you? Are you guys together or something?' Chase asks.

'It's complicated,' I mumble.

'Just asking, you don't have to answer.'

'I really have to go now, thanks again!'

I don't give him the chance to say anything else and stand up. My head still hurts, but that's nothing I can't handle. I walk out the door and slam it shut behind me. That's one disaster out of the way, now I need to fix some things that Stefan has messed up. 

Where do I start? With Stefan or Samantha? Or with the people back home? Probably the last one, because if I don't fix that quickly, everybody's going to know what Stefan has said and I don't want that to happen. I don't want to look like a slut, who already has another boyfriend after two days. 

A groan escapes from my mouth, why is it always me? Why doesn't this happen to other people? It looks like I'm the only one who has bad luck. Like all the time. I can't remember a second that I haven't got bad luck. All my life, I've had it, it's a part of me. 

While walking I bump into a few people, but don't pretend to care. My head still hurts a bit, but I ignore that. I'm still not sure who I want to see first, Stefan or Samantha. Both conversations are going to be awkward or humiliating, so that doesn't make a difference. 

Maybe I'll just go to my room and call some friends from back home. They'll need an explanation about what Stefan's said through the phone, before they come up with their theories. Once they get one in their head, it's really hard to convince them it isn't the truth.

That's a good start, calling my friends. I hope I'm not too late, if I am, I can't go back for at least a year. It's not like I'm going back any time soon, but I don't want rumors to spread about me when I'm gone. My friends are very good at making up rumors, I've experienced that more than once. 

With a slow pace I walk to my room, where I have my phone. My room looks just like I left it, with one little change, there is someone laying on my bed. I slam the door shut, to let the person know I'm back. She sits up straight and removes the hair out of her face.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2015 ⏰

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