8. Power control

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Alexis' P.O.V

The bell rings, which means it's time for the most unique lesson here; Power Control. I'm excited, for the first time I want to go to class. It's a miracle! Well, maybe I'm just curious and it'll change after the lesson is done. 

Together with Samantha, I walk to the class. I'm glad I have a class with her, at least someone I know in one of my classes. The second we sit down, the teacher walks in. I wonder if she has a power as well, or if she's just a normal teacher. Actually, I wonder that about every teacher at this school. 

'Everyone, stand up. We can't do this in a classroom, we need to do this outside.' The teacher says.

Together we walk outside and sit on the grass in a circle. The teacher does the same thing, while everybody looks at her. I already like her, class outside on the first day. I still wonder how she's going to teach us things, or actually what kind of things. Every power is unique, so she can't really teach us about our powers.

'Now that everybody is here, we can start.' She says.

Samantha squeals and starts clapping. I think it's pretty weird, but I'm getting used to it. She was right the first time we met, I think we're already best friends. It might not be fair for my best friend back home, but she hasn't even called me. 

'Let's start with introducing ourselves, I don't know your names, so please say your name and talk a little about yourself. You can talk about your power as well, but you don't have to. It's your choice. I will start myself. I'm Grace Young, your teacher. This is my first year here and I'm the only teacher who knows about the powers. Except for the gym teacher. I've been to this school as well, when I was your age. If you must know my power is talking to animals. I know, not as excited as you imagined, but it wasn't my choice.'

'Can I call you Grace?' Samantha asks.

I immediately start laughing. Only Samantha can come up with a question like that and is not afraid to say it out loud. She slaps me on the back of my head, so I would stop laughing. It works, I stop laughing and notice the weird looks that they are giving me. 

'No, I may be young, but I'm still your teacher. You can call me Miss Young.' 

This time, everybody starts laughing, because of the stupid coincidence. Maybe she's done it on purpose, maybe not. All I know, is that she isn't going to tell us that. She really is cool,well she seems that way. 

'Would anyone like to tell something about themselves?' 

'If nobody else wants to start, I'll do it. I'm Samantha, the dumb ass sitting next to me is my brother Stefan and on the other side is Alexis, my new best friend. Don't bother asking questions, I already know what you're going to ask. I can time travel, this already happened once, but you don't remember it. I traveled back so I could save someone from being embarrassed. To prevent that, I will not say who I'm saving right now.'

I have a feeling that Samantha's talking about me, so I stay quiet. My eyes find Stefan's and he nods. Right, he can read my mind, totally forgot about that. Stupid me. I smile at him and keep the eye contact. 

Suddenly Samantha waves her hand in front of my face and pokes in my side. I shake my head and look at her. It takes a while to figure out everybody is looking at me, which is weird. Shit, is it my turn? Have I been staring at Stefan for so long? Nathan is here as well, so it isn't that bad. 

'Sorry, I didn't realize it was my turn. My name is Alexis, I have a brother as well, but he doesn't have a power. Mine is controlling the elements, although I've only managed it one time. You were all there, that time in the canteen. You probably don't remember it, I only spilled water over the table and in Nathans face.'

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