I can't stop thinking about what my father said about Blaze and it infuriates me even thinking about her leaving me again. We need to have the Luna Ceremony soon. It would prevent her from leaving me, because it'll certainly reassure her that I would never cast her aside. I know it's not the right reason, but I cannot bear the thought of losing her again.

I stare at my mate, her smile and her shining cerulean eyes capturing my attention instantly. She looks up at me and grins, blowing a kiss so as not to gross our son out.

"I am so in love with you, goddess it's riddiculous," I want to say, but that would also gross Night out..

Hesitant footsteps echo from the hall and I look up to see Melody creeping into the living room with a worried face.

"N-nighty?" He looks up at his twin with a poker face, obviously wanting her to feel guilty about abandoning him for someone she hasn't known for more than two months.

"Can... Uh..." She frowns, her eyes glancing down and all of a sudden Night grins. Midnight kisses Blaze and I on our cheeks before scurrying off to their shared room.

"What just happened?" I question Blaze as she stares at the hall with a thoughtful smile.

"Whenever they fight and it's her fault, she asks him to read her a story. It's her way of making up since he loves reading so much."

"What if it's his fault?" I turn my gaze to the hallway as well, hearing their excited squeals.

"Then he asks me to buy flowers and candy and a teddy bear. Then he gives it to her with an apology letter, which usually contains all the things that make her an amazing sibling and how much he misses her and then they go read together. He told me he wants her to learn that unless her mate apologizes better than him, she shouldn't forgive him." I glance at Blaze, knowing she won't be looking, but she catches me and I resist the urge to grin at her.

"You know, I love you for everything you are and what you have given me." I tell her and she blushes, looking down at the wooden floor.

"Noah, I wouldn't be as strong as I am today without you. You taught me so much about what love is and I am so grateful that you are mine. Moon Goddess definitely gave me the best male there is." I stand up and reach for her hand.

"Lake?" She nods enthusiaticly before running towards the window. I chuckle at her excitement and watch her jump, landing on all fours next to the bushes that she usually dives into. I follow her and we race towards the lake where everything developed for us.

"Could you please check on the twins and keep an eye on them? Blaze and I will be back in a few hours." Aaron agrees and I block out everyone.


Bonus: Evelyn POV

"I'm warning you, Mutt. You do not want to test me." I stop in my tracks at the sound of my mate's familiar voice. The whimpers coming from the closed door makes me take a step back, trying to find a gap through which I could see who he's threatening this time.

"I c-can't do that to Noah." The choked voice sounds like a female, but what female could possibly be such a threat to my- I suck in a deep breath, anxiously waiting to see if he heard.

"You did it once, and he did just fine without you. I'll make you a deal, I'll spare your pathetic life," He snarls at her and another whimper meets my ears, "-and the life of the offspring in your womb, if you leave this place permanently. You will never see nor hear from Noah or the twins again. You will escape tonight or Noah will have to witness me ripping out the fetus inside of you, most likely not even his child. Then I'll feed the dead pup to you before slitting your throat. Do you understand?" I gasp and stare at the shadows underneath the door, moving towards me. I don't think twice before sprinting in the direction of Noah's office.

I will not let that monster hurt my son ever again. I should have left him when I had the chance.

Oh, poor Daniel. The tears blur my vision at the thought of my true love, the one my mate slaughtered after I gave birth to Noah. Noah's father.

Gregor knew about Noah, he knew of the affair, yet he didn't care and now, Noah is paying for my mistake. It was a horrible mistake attending the Luna Cermony when I was supposed to be with Daniel in the tree where we would always meet and spend what felt like eternity in each other's company. I have been dead inside ever since that night when Gregor dropped Daniel's heart at my feet as I was rocking Noah to sleep. Although Noah wasn't Gregor's son, he was still the son of an Alpha. Daniel was meant to be Alpha, but he cared more for me than title. We were planning on leaving the night Noah was born, to start anew, but Gregor killed his brother, jealous and vengeful as always.

Gregor never loved me. He killed his brother's mate, because he was in love with her and she refused to go against the Moon Goddess to be with him. I, on the other hand, had no qualms to be with someone who wasn't my mate. Someone who loved me. Gregor was a cold, brutal man... he still is. He deserved what came to him when Noah took the title as Alpha.

My mistake caused so much misery for Noah and I have spent his entire life trying to make it up to him. He needs to know what Gregor is planning. I never liked that Veronica girl, but Gregor appreciated something inside of her, perhaps the fact that she was as conniving as he is. Now I know why he kept insisting on finding a witch who could bring Veronica back.

I burst through the door that's keeping me from warning my son, but when I enter, he is nowhere to be seen. I start hyperventilating, not wanting this to happen to my poor Noah again. I know how much pain he was in when he first lost Blaze and now, with Gregor making a reappearance, everything is falling apart. I need to find Noah.

The bookcase creaks and I hear murmurs coming from the slightly ajar door to the secret room Gregor used to spend hours inside, plotting. I move to open it, relieved to find my son hunched over a pile of books, probably researching something.

"Noah-" His head jerks up and whips to my direction.

"Mother, you shouldn't be in here." My brows furrow at the panic in his voice and I walk towards him. He shoots up from his seat and sprints to the bookcase, looking like a rabid person trying to escape from an asylum.

"What is it, Noah?" Before he reaches the bookcase it slams shut with a loud groan before a soft glow illuminates the dusty room.

"Hello, Evelyn."


Noah POV

I stare at the bookcase, defeat quickly filling my mind as I turn to my mother who's staring at the ghost in the corner with wide eyes.

"Veronica, let us out. This is unnecessary." I try to reason with her again, but she simply shakes her head with a small smile. Her calm exterior sets my nerves on edge and I can't seem to keep my hands from clenching into tight fists. She's taunting me.

"Noah, I need to tell you something." I turn to my mother, trying to keep myself from lashing out at a ghost.

"Ooh, here comes the fun part. I knew somebody would eavesdrop, I was just kind of hoping it would be Aaron. He's kind of fun to rile up." I glare at Veronica, noticing how she's tugging at the necklace that she has worn since the first time I saw her after thinking she was dead. She hates necklaces that aren't made of gold, yet this one is pure leather with feathers and deformed beads, early resembling the skull of a bird. A crow, judging by the feathers surrounding it. The bird of death.

"Noah, there's not much time to explain, but we need to get out of here, your father is going to kill Blaze and the baby if you don't stop him." The worried tone alarms me more than I would like to be, but escaping Veronica is not an option. The game she's playing is dangerous and I will not risk anyone for the sake of escaping a vengeful ghost.

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