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"Well, well, well, look who decided to finally leave each other alone." Aiden smirks as he glances at the blazing cheeks of my mate. Finding Dory is playing on the flat screen, but the kids aren't anywhere in sight. Yeah, Aiden still watches Disney.

"Hey, you're not the one who didn't get any for four years." We say in unison. I glance at Blaze and her red cheeks turn cherry. At least I know she was as sexually frustrated as I was.

"Wait, you guys didn't do anything in the month you've been together?" I shake my head and shrug. I almost lose my train of thought as I see the whale shark talking to Dory. I haven't watched this movie yet, I think. I snap out of it and muster up my thoughts.

"It wasn't as important as convincing Blaze that I still love her and I needed her to come home." Blaze snuggles against my chest and wraps her arms around my waist, using me as support.

"Is that why she's walking funny? Because you had to make up for lost time?" Annalise smirks at us from the single couch she's sharing with Phillip.

"Hey, you can't talk, I saw the way you walked in here too." Aiden grumbles, clearly more upset over the fact that his twin sister is sexually active now.

"Shut it. I never commented on the way Alice used to walk out of your room every single morning. I feel like you abused her. That's too much for a girl." She snaps, curling into Phillip who's smirking, clearly proud of the recognition.

"Well, we came down to see what the little ones are up to, but it doesn't look like they're here." Blaze scans across the living room.

"Luke showed them outside to go play. They really hit it off, especially since Midnight is so shy." Explains Julie as she walks in with Aaron keeping a protective grip on her waist.

"That's good, Midnight never liked making friends in kindergarten, he would only speak to Melody and she barely left his side since the other kids teased him for reading as much as he does. I mean, they're four year olds, how can they tease him about something they can't even do yet?" Blaze's voice raises slightly as she tenses with the thought of our child being teased for being smart.

"He's just different. Luke is too. I mean, have you heard the things kids say about him for having violet eyes? It's horrible, they taunt him and call him a monster, mutant, reject. I had to take him out of kindergarten and now we home school him." Julie looks up at Aaron who seems to bristle at the reminder of how his son used to get bullied. He never wanted me to interfere with it, he didn't want me to help.

"At least he'll have two friends who also have unique features." Aiden tries to crack a joke.

"Yeah, but they hate their eye colours too." Blaze mutters and I look down at her with a frown. Our children are beautiful and unique; nobody will tell them different.

"Who bets that Luke and Melody will fall in love?" I shoot a glare of bewilderment at Julie who's feeding the flames of my Love's assumptions. She kept on saying that they'll definitely grow up to like each other on the way down the staircase.

"To hell they will. Melody will never fall in love. I forbid it." I growl out. Luke already stole my nickname for her, what else does he need?

"Oh, Noah, stop acting like this." Blaze rolls her eyes and turns to go find our children. I follow her outside, easily meeting her fast paced stride due to my long legs.

"I'm not acting like anything, Love. She's barely five and he already has his hooks in her... And he doesn't even try!" I yell out incredulously.

"You're overreacting." She looks up at me with a small smile, trying to suppress her laughter.

Everyone Is Flawed {Completed}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ