"Noah, what are you- mmm?" I shush her with a strong kiss, keeping the pace slowly so as not to hurt her. She brushes her hand through my hair and tugs. I growl into her mouth and walk out of my office, kicking the door shut. I only set her down when we're on the front porch. I shift and nudge her to do the same.

"Noah, what's going on?" I growl lowly and flick my head in the direction of the woods, urging her to shift and follow me. She sighs and shifts, jumping overhead and starting off without me in a light sprint. I growl at her playfulness and run after her, nipping at her tail every time it teases my snout. I snort and catch up, now running beside her, my paws pressing into the foliage with restrained power. I don't want to leave my mate behind.

Besides, I enjoy the chase. I enjoy the fact that she thinks she could outrun me. I love the fact that even after all that has happened between us, she remembers the one place where everything felt normal when it was everything but, even if only for a split second. I nudge her side, causing her to stumble and tumble down the slight decline in the earth. She barks at me and huffs after coming to a complete stop. I jump over her, landing on all fours, caging her between my paws beneath my heaving chest.

She reaches up and gently licks my snout, panting as she tries to wriggle out from underneath me. I growl at her, gradually lowering my entire body over her significantly smaller one. She stops moving and just stares into my eyes with a playful glint. She moves her head to nuzzle the fur in my neck, nipping at my shoulder with her teeth. I whine, moving my head to do the same to her. She lets go of my neck and uses my temporarily distracted state to escape from underneath me.

She paces towards the lake, pawing at the dragonflies flittering around the still water. I huff and stalk towards her, my hind legs preparing to push off and my front paws easing into the soft mud. I lower my head to almost rest on my paws. I can feel my tail swishing side-to-side in excitement before I push off and knock my silly Little Mate into the lake, with myself following close behind of course.


"That was... Incredible." She sighs as she gradually makes her way to the rocks that we usually rest against.

"I'm impressed. I wouldn't have figured that my fragile Little Mate could cliff dive." I chuckle at her stuck out tongue, joining her against the rock. I wrap my hands around her cold waist and move her onto my lap, instantly warming her shivering form.

"Who were you talking to in that secret library of yours. Don't deny it either... I heard a crash and figured you either threw something or... Someone was in there with you." I can feel her heartbeat quicken at the question. I sigh and tighten my hold on her.

"Do you trust me?" She hesistates before nodding. I shake my head and place a frustrated kiss against her temple. She moves closer to my chest, completely heated up now. I gently run my hands up and down her bare arms, eliciting a shudder from her.

"Veronica." I murmur and I can feel her heartbeat hitch.

"How? How is that even possible? I thought she was-"

"I know. I guess she's not dead. I figure she might be close by. She threatened Midnight." I whisper lightly, mulling over what to do about this situation. I can't think of a definite way to get rid of her. I don't even know how she's still alive.

"What? She will not touch my baby!" My chest vibrates with Blaze's agitated growl and I tighten my hold on her to stop her from lashing out and possibly injuring herself.

"I'm going to figure out a way to get rid of her. I just need to know how she's still alive and why she came back after the first plan was foiled." I move my hand up and down her arms to calm her down.

"What does she want?" Blaze questions, turning to face me. I sigh and look up at the branches obscuring my view of the sun, making it nearly impossible to tell how much longer we'll be able to stay out here before dark.

"She wants me." I look back down and hold Blaze's stare, her sapphire eyes gleaming with fueled rage.

"She can't have you." She huffs, breaking her gaze away from mine. My chest warms at the possesive streak in my mates attitude and I can't help but feel a little giddy at the fact that she's jealous. I love knowing she wants me as much as I need her. She's my everything and I'll do anything to prove to her that I will always only love her.

"Is my beautiful mate jealous?" I tease, nipping at her mark. She purrs and leans her head onto my shoulder.

"I'd like to think you're mine alone." She murmurs into my ear, her eyes clouded with an emotion she's only recently become acquainted with. One that never seems to be sated. We'll be having a dozen pups with the way she's been looking at me recently. I growl and move to capture her plump lips in mine. She turns her body so as to straddle me. I let my hands roam over her back and into her soft hair, damp from our dive in the lake.

"Show me." I grunt. She moves her head from my neck, and I glare into her eyes with the primal need that's burning in my stomach.

"Show you what?" Her breaths are coming out uneven and in heavy pants as she lets her nimble fingers glide over my torso.

"Show me that you're mine."


"Where have you guys been? Midnight locked himself in your room since Melody ran off to play with Lucas." Aiden looks at Blaze with a condescending glare, clearly upset that she disappeared without notice. Ever since what happened four years ago, he likes to know where she's going at all times. He feels guilty about her running away.

I glance at the staircase with worry, my grip on my mate's waist loosening to go check up on my little buddy. I kiss Blaze's temple and wink at her before sprinting up the stairs. I know Blaze will want to spend some time with Aiden anyways.

"Hey, Buddy." I lightly knock on the wooden door leading to our bedroom. I can hear the sound of tiny feet running to open the door. I take a step back as the door swings open and Midnight jumps into my chest.

"Daddy!" I hug him to my chest and move to go sit on the bed with him. Books are strewn over the covers like a second duvet. He's clearly been busy.

"What's up, Buddy? Uncle Aiden said that you didn't want to play with Mel and Lucas." He pouts and crosses his arms with a scowl. He looks like a mini-me when he's angry, I realize.

"I hate Lucas. He stole Mel from me. He keeps giving her flowers and he even reads with her! I'm the one who used to read with her. She even shared our favourite book with him." He huffs and glares at one particular book lying on the floor.

Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkaban.

"Night, do you think it's possible that you don't like Lucas because he's friends with Mel?" He looks back up at me with his multi-coloured eyes and nods his head.

"That's exactly why I don't like him. It's Nighty and Mel against the world. Not Lucas and Melody." I sigh and ruffle his hair. His face scrunches up in disdain, but he doesn't move away.

"Why can't it be Nighty, Mel and Lucas?" He glances up at me through his messed up hair and sighs. He shrugs and starts twiddling his thumbs, clearly mulling over the option.

"Mel likes him more than she likes me. I'm her brother and now she barely even plays with me. She never reads with me anymore and whenever I ask her to, she says she's playing with Lucas." His eyes fill with unshed tears and his bottom lip wobbles with a sniffle. An ache invades my chest at the sight of my pup sad, so I pick him up and place him onto my shoulders.

"We're going to go and find them and show them how much fun we can have without them." He cheers and bounces on my shoulders.

I don't like Lucas being this close to my little girl either. I guess Midnight and I will just have to spoil their fun. I smirk and make my way downstairs.

This should be fun.

Everyone Is Flawed {Completed}Where stories live. Discover now