Chapter 28: A Night to Remember

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Y/N Point of View
Two days later

Okay..this is it. This is the day. The day that ends it all. The second and final plan to take down Jimin once and for all.

I'll admit, I feel like I'm about to pee in my pants. I'm that scared. This is so risky.

It's currently 5 P.M. right now. Which makes everything even scarier. We were about to meet Jimin in two hours. I was getting ready to head over to Tae's mansion.

"Bye, Mochi. Wish me luck, cutie!" I said as I kissed my dog on the forehead and headed off.


Jungkook was walking back and forth with a frustrated frown on his face. I could tell how stressed he was. Everything was at risk. If this plan doesn't work, it would create so many more problems.

Taehyung on the other hand, held a straight face with nervous glances at Jungkook. He wasn't his peppy self. He was calm and serious now, I could fell he was very anxious. I mean, we all were.

"Kook-ah, you okay?" I asked.

Jungkook stopped pacing and looked at me.

"Y-Yeah. I'm fine." He assures.

"Relax, Kookie. It'll work out. The bad guys always lose." Taehyung said.

Jungkook smiles and relaxes for a second, then he got serious once again.

"Okay, everyone got the plan and what they're supposed to do?" he asks.

"Yes, boss." We responded.

"Perfect. It's about 7 right now, so we should start going." Jungkook ordered.

"Where will we be meeting him?" Tae asked.

"I don't know. It's up to Y/N." Jungkook responds.
"Speaking of, you should text Jimin now." He says in my direction.

"Alright." I did what I was told and texted Jimin.

Y/N: "Meet me at the "24/7 Busan Diner'. It's close to the restaurant where we broke up the first time."

Jungkook looked at the text.

"You're meeting him at the diner I work at?" Jungkook questioned.

"Yes. I figured..that's where it all started, so it should be the place where it ends." I said and smiled.

Jungkook smiled as well.

"Wow. It seems so long ago that we met at that diner." He says.

"Yeah, where you interrupted my 'meltdown sesh'." I joked.
"Why'd you even come up to me anyway? And come up with that whole crazy idea? You didn't even know me." I asked him.

He hesitated, before saying "Oh uh, I'll explain all that later, but for right now, let's get going."

He was trying to change the topic, but it's not a big deal. We have more important things to worry about.

We grabbed all the materials, and right when we were about to close the front door and head to the diner, I got a text from Jimin.

Jimin: "ok. See you there in 20."

At the diner

I looked at my phone. It read: "7:25".
Jimin should be here soon.

I sat in the booth alone, while Jungkook and Taehyung sat in the booth two tables away from the one I was in, hiding their faces behind the menus.

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