Chapter 1

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I stared out at the night sky.  The stars glowed with a warmth that I haven't felt in so long.  The warmth of love.  They never get lonely.  Even if the stars were living, they would have millions of friends.  Friends, the one thing I want most but can not obtain.  After my parents died, my sister took care of me, she is about 12 years older than me.  She was the queen and she was looking for a king.  32, and no man had loved her that much.  I sighed as my thoughts wandered.  A memory of a fight I had with her flashed in my mind.  She hates me.  I got all the attention when I was born and througout my childhood.  S/N became queen a few months after our parents passed.  A knock sounded at the door.  I quietly walked over and looked out the peep hole.

"Oh, hello Ferdinand," I say as I open the door.

"Princess Y/N, your sister wishes to speak with you."

"She couldn't tell me herself?" I roll my eyes.

"Queen S/N said it was urgent."


I walked back to my room to grab a white silk robe to throw over my black nightgown.  Ferdinand led me downstairs where my sister was placed on her throne.  Her black hair cascaded down her shoulder so that it looked like a waterfall.  I sighed at her beauty.  Her pale skin, her deep eyes, her black hair.  S/N was perfect and I was constantly reminded of how poor I looked next to her.

"Your Majesty, Princess Y/N," Ferdinand announced as I entered.

"Ah yes. Enter."

I stepped in front of my sister and bowed. "You wished to speak to me Your Majesty?"

"Mm... yes. I have heard that you are breathtaking to a lot of men in the kingdom... This is a problem, see?"

"Yes, Your Majesty. I am deeply sorry."

"Hm... well. I am sure you understand that I am doing everything for the wealth of MY kingdom."

I nodded even though it wasn't true.

"So... I have taken the liberty to get rid of you," S/N quietly stated as she looked at her nails with a cruel smile tugging at her lips.

"W-what?!? That is stupid! I did nothing to you! You can't do this!!" I yelled as guards stepped forward.

"Is that how you address your queen?? How disgraceful! Take her away!"

I yelled and fought as the guards led me to a black van.  My body landed with a painful thud as it hit the metal floor.  A blindfold was tied around my eyes and cords were used around my feet and wrists.  I tried to call for help but I felt tape around my mouth.  My eyes tried to cry, but nothing came.  

After what seemed like hours we came to a stop and I was picked up.  Only to be thrown done a few seconds later.  Everything was removed and I could see and move again.  A few men, I couldn't see who they were, walked out and left me in a dark, cold room with inly my robe and a nightgown.  I searched for a while and found an old camping lamp.  I turned it on and found a sleeping bag and a bottle of water and a protein bar.  Where was I??  After another round of searching I found out I was in a storage container.

I started on my rescue.  Using my hands and voice, I kicked and screamed for help against the door, praying someone would hear me.  After two hours, my voice hurt and my hands were bleeding in some places.  My body collapsed on the sleeping bag and I fell asleep.

I woke up to someone kicking me.  My eyes adjusted to the dark where I saw a man.

"She's awake..." the guy who was kicking me stated.

I sat up and backed against the wall.

"I see that you idiot. And don't hurt her. She can't be injured, unless you want less money," a voice said from the dark.

I was going to be sold? Really S/N?? What did I ever do to you?  After that they left.  I was in the dark and I searched for the lamp.  After I found it, I started kicking and slamming the door yelling for help.  My voice hurt so much, I could barely talk.  I was cold and hungry and the protein bar and the water did absolutely nothing.  

My body stirred as the door was opened.  I quickly ran over to a shelving unit and hid behind it, turning off the light.  My ears caught a few voices as they entered.

"Tae... I swear you are crazy," the first voice said.

"I am not Jimin! I heard something in here!"

"Yeah right. You just don't want to shoot today."

"Hey! I am... okay part of it. But I heard something!"

Three guys entered and looked around.  I spotted four others in the doorway.  The three looked around and spotted my sleeping bag and food.  I mentally cursed and watched, careful not to move or breathe.

"Guys, there is nothing here, except some camping supplies. Probably someone homeless. Let's go. I'm tired," a third voice called and it echoed in the room.

"You are always tired Suga," a fourth voice protested.

"Hey! I am busy thank you."

"We all are!" a fifth voice called.

I saw some of them move out and my leg fell asleep.  It had to move, so I moved it.  Only for it to kick the shelving unit over and clatter.  My eyes grew wide in horror as all the guys turned and looked at the bright white blob in the dark.  Remind me to get rid of this white robe.

"Uh.... hello..." the first voice said.

I tried to say something, but my voice was too hoarse.  I just shifted more against the wall and backed away from the seven guys who were now all in the room.

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