"Indeed I am, you got me pregnant least you can let me do is admire your attractive masculine body" I commented. Beckett set his plated food next to my toast and kissed my cheek

"You can always do more than admire, my love" he purred. And I took a deep breath and counted to ten. Humans need to eat, humans need to eat, HuMaNs NeEd tO eAt! I chanted to myself as Beckett dug into his food, I really need to get my hormones in check, I can't jump Beckett twenty-four seven, I need to learn self restraint. I finished my toast and poured myself a cup of coffee and began to wash the pans from breakfast, my hands were submerged in bubbles when Beckett laid his plate on the counter next to me and wrapped his arms around my middle, he rested his hands atop my swollen belly. "I'm the luckiest man on earth" Beckett whispered in my ear, he began pressing kisses to my throat "you're gorgeous my love." I smiled, flattery was definitely my thing. Fenrys yawned loudly from behind us, making his presence known and I let out a laugh ruining the moment Beckett and I were sharing. Beckett released me and grumbled something about damn dogs, cock-blockers, and cold showers, he stalked out of the kitchen with Fenrys prancing behind him. I was drying the dishes when the door to our townhouse was thrown open and in came the tornado which is Lanie, she was carrying a binder and a pastry bag. Archer followed her in carrying multiple bridal magazines and different color swatches, they dumped their stuff off at our table and tackled me in a hug. 

"OMG I haven't seen you in forever bitch! Why haven't you called me you traitor!" Lanie whined pouting and crossing her arms.

"Lanie I saw you just two days ago" I said rolling my eyes and she fixed me with a glare.

"Tomato, tomato when my goddaughter is involved you better fill me in" Lanie deflected and set her hand on the bump of my stomach "anyway how is my goddaughter?" She cooed. "You know for being eight and a half months along you really aren't showing that much Reumi" Lanie said sarcastically. I flipped her off and let her pull me over to the table,

"Bucket get your ass out here!" Archer called from his chair at the table. A few minutes later Beckett entered the kitchen his hair still damp from his shower, he took one look at the hooligans on either side of me and groaned.

"More wedding stuff?" He huffed "I hate this, why the hell should I know the different shades of purple?"

"Lilac, it's Lilac Beckett" Lanie corrected examining her nails "and if you didn't want to help plan a wedding maybe you shouldn't have proposed, or got my girl knocked, up its too much stress on the baby for her to do this alone." Lanie said pointing at a rehearsal dinner layout sitting in front of the only empty chair "now start going through the layout and look for any mistakes." I smiled at Lanie and she gave me a wicked grin back as she patted my shoulder, about three hours later a knock sounded at our door and Beckett stood to answer it. He came back five minutes later with Lysandra and Freya following behind him.

"Hi Lysandra! Freya! what are you ladies doing here?" I asked

"We wouldn't miss your wedding Areum, I've been waiting for this moment since you two hit puberty" Lysandra snickered and Freya flicked her on her arm.

"We also wanted to see how the pregnancy was going!" Freya chimed in smiling "you look like you're going to pop any day now!" She joked giving me a side hug. Freya pressed a crimson kiss to my cheek and perched on her wife's knee "so what did we miss?"


It was finally the day of the wedding and I felt like I was going to toss my cookies, not just because of morning sickness. Sarah and Lanie were in the bridal suite with me helping me into my empire waist gown, it was a beautiful gown the top was sheer but covered in lace, and the garment had multiple skirts giving it a full look. Lanie had just finished my hair and was pinning in my veil when Mika rushed in. "Sis you look beautiful" he gushed and cleared his throat "Beckett told me to deliver this to you" he said handing over a small folded piece of paper. I thanked him as he showed himself out, I unfolded the letter and it read;

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