chapter one

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AN: Okay so, this is a Rewrite of a story I have yet to post on my fanfiction page that my sister XDboobearXD and I have worked on together, to fill you lovely readers in, this is probably the third time I have rewrote this (Mainly because when I first started it I was in Middle school then forgot what in the world I was doing with it when I tried to rewrite it back then. Then tried to rewrite it when I was twenty) So now, here I am at twenty-three and rewriting it all over again and let me just say, I'm so proud of this compared to my cringe worthy of an original >.< anyway I seriously hope you all enjoy this If you really want to read the original the link to my fanfiction page is on my profile (I warn you the story is not completed) anyway enjoy my lovelies!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokemon I do however own my OC's

Dawn's POV

"Are we there yet?" I asked my grumpy traveling partner. Some time during my travels, Ash, Brock and I got separated while on our way to my next contest. Somewhere along the way I had run into the grouchy ever so serious plum headed trainer. After trying to find my way back I got  lost again  and got chased again, Paul happened to be walking by and with annoyance saved me from being burnt to a crisp by a hyper beam that was made from a very angry Ursaring. So after a lot of convincing, mostly lots of begging and pretty pleases later he reluctantly allowed me to travel with him. 

"Troublesome, you asked me that five minutes ago and I told you no. Now shut up, I'd like to get to the next town before sunset, so keep up or I'll leave you behind" He grumbled and picked up his pace.

"MY NAME IS DAWN YOU JERK!" I yelled at Paul's retreating back.

"Shut up troublesome and keep moving," Paul said with a bored monotone voice not bothering to turn around or slow down for me to catch up.

"Stupid Pokemon abusing jerk" I muttered under my breath and jogged to catch up to him

"I heard that," he said sparing me a glance to glare at me. I rolled my eyes 'good it was meant for you to hear' I thought. Deciding not to say anything further, I silently walked side by side with Paul hoping to hurry to the Pokemon center so I could take a nice relaxing bath and sleep in a bed instead of on the hard cold ground in a tent.

Veilstone in the future

A woman with long blue hair and ocean blue eyes filled with tears shoved two backpacks into the waiting arms of a girl with long blue hair with dark onyx eyes a mix of determination and sadness flashed into the girl's eyes as she took the bags. Alarm filled the older woman's eyes as she watched a man with Shoulder length plum hair tied in a low ponytail bark out orders to a large turtle-like creature its target was a group of men in flashy space like themed clothing.

"Quick go out the back door and run don't worry about your father and I just run and don't look back take care of your sister, I promise everything will be fine now go!" the woman said urgently pushing the miniature blunette toward the back door. The smaller blue haired girl grabbed the hand belonging to a smaller girl with short chin length purple hair and bright blue eyes that held fear as she ran alongside the older girl. The younger girl watched her parents fight off their attackers with tears in her blue eyes  while watching her home fade the further they ran into the forest. the two girls didn't stop till they were deep in the forest hidden from sight.

"I think we're ok for now Mira" the older girl spoke softly, keeping her voice low cautiously looking down at her sister who looked ready to burst into tears. She couldn't blame her, what was once a peaceful town, it's stoney streets constantly busy and bustling with life from tourists and residents shopping or playing in the local game corner, was now taken over by Team Galactic. The town was constantly in fear and wary of everyone and people weren't afraid to do just about anything to survive. Many had decided to do everything to be within the good graces of team galactic some worked as spies for the organization offering any sort of information on the other town's people and some capturing the ones labeled as traitors to team galactic.

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