Morning Drama

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Normal POV
Sophie yawned as she sat up in the bed and stretched her arms over her head. She stopped short when she saw someone standing in her room, facing the window on the wall. Sophie had left it closed last night, a helping factor to the smoke incident. She thought it was Hort but the white hair and alabaster skin just didn't click. Suddenly she recognized him but she must be imagining things. "I was waiting for you to wake up," he said much to her surprise. "Who are you?," she sneered. The man chuckled as he turned around, his ice blue eyes boring into hers. "Why sweetheart? Have you moved on so fast? Do you not remember me?," Rafal asked mockingly in his smooth voice. Sophie's eyes widened as she scrambled to press her back against the headboard away from him. She clutched her head in her hands, jamming her eyes shut. "No! He's not here! He's gone! You're imagining things! He's gone! He's gone!!! He's.....gone," Sophie mumbled to herself as her voice raised to a scream until it came back down into a whisper as she trailed off.

"If you're so sad I was gone why did you make me leave then?," Rafal asked menacingly. "I don't need to explain myself to you," Sophie mumbled, hugging her knees to her chest. "Why Sophie?!," he pushed. Sophie went silent as he threw his head to the side. She saw a tear roll down his porcelain cheek as she heard him sniffle. "I thought you loved me. I thought we were going to be together but we're not and I don't know why. I know I'm evil but I was never evil to why were you the one who hurt me?!," he screamed. "Because you were being an idiot! That's why! You wanna know why I think so?! Here's why! Have you not realized that that bloodthirst you had was the key to your downfall?! You were naive to think I would choose you over the world!Sure if you did care about me I would! But you don't do you?! You don't care about anyone! I left you because you were being selfish!," Sophie screamed back, silencing him. Rafal's eyes widened as more tears dribbled down his cheeks. "You thought I didn't care about you?," he asked. Sophie nodded into her knees, sniffling. Rafal crawled into the bed and sat in front of her. He hooked his thumb under her chin as he lifted up her face. "I did care about you, hell I loved you. Evil's way," he said with a smile as Sophie stopped sniffing. Her slightly puffy and red eyes looked up at him before she launched unto him. Even though she felt like she weighted nothing the gesture had surprised him, making him fall onto his back. When he realized what was happening he curled his arms around her, pulling her close. "I missed you," Sophie mumbled against his shoulder. Rafal sighed in content as he ran his fingers through Sophie's blonde hair.

Rafal stared at the ceiling before kissing Sophie's cheek. "Did you really miss me?," Rafal asked against her cheek. Sophie chuckled before replying," of course I did." Rafal sat up and leaned against the headboard, Sophie in his lap. "Sophie," he mumbled softly. She pulled away from his shoulder to face him. She stared into his electrifying blue eyes, searching them. Rafal closed his eyes slowly before pressing his lips against hers. Sophie responded immediately by kissing him back. Rafal's hand went to her waist as the other cupped her cheek. Sophie pressed her palms against his neck, her thumb lightly brushing his jaw.

A shudder went down her spine from the feeling of his cold lips on hers. She missed this, she missed him. Rafal pulled away reluctantly, smiling at her. Sophie giggled before snuggling into his chest again. "Dork," he heard her mutter with a string of snickering. Rafal smirked , looking down at her. "So I'm the dork?," he asked. "No, you're my dork," she said emphasizing the word my. Rafal chuckled as he kissed her nose. "And you're my witch. No one else's. Mine," Rafal replied in a teasing voice. "Yours and no one else's," Sophie smiled.

Rafal nuzzled her neck and sighed as the scent of rosemaries and pansies filled his nose. He wondered how she got herself to smell so minty. "Why do you smell like rosemaries?," Rafal mumbled against her pulse point. Sophie giggled making him smile. "I don't know. I don't use anything that smell like rosemaries. What else do I smell like to you?," she replied. "Pansies and mint and a hint of black orchids. So fresh," he replied to her question. Sophie frowned at black orchids. Rafal looked up at her and scowled. "What's wrong with black orchids?," he asked. "That's Hort's disgusting cologne," Sophie snarled.

Still Loving You (SGE) Rophieजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें