Will this last?

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Waking up to an empty bedside wasn't an unfamiliar thing to Rafal. Not anymore. But he still couldn't help the spike of fear and disappointment that sliced through his cold heart as his eyes fluttered open to the sight of an empty bedroom with nothing but the furniture and himself. For once he wished he had someone beside him. And this time he was being specific. He wanted Sophie of Woods Beyond to be here with him

It was odd how such a minuscule reader can manipulate his thought, decisions and opinions. No, Sophie was not miniscule. He looked into her heart and saw darkness beyond compare. Darkness that could rival his own. He felt a similar darkness around the young schoolmaster that had visited yesterday. He could feel pain, agony and betrayal all around her. It dulled his sense. The darkness in her was overwhelming. 'And now Sophie thinks I'm sick,' Rafal thought with a smile. He sat up on the bed and began to take in the little detail that he had missed yesterday.

Sophie's room was just like his. He recognised the blood red sheets he was currently sitting on and briefly wondered if those were his. The wooden shield window on the far end of the room with a large round balcony, bookshelves towering around one side of the room and of course a replica of the white marble table he used to have, where the Storian used to hover writing and painting. His head pivoted to the books and folders on the shelves and recognised them to be student records. For the first time did he notice the silver inkstand that stood on the table with the words 'Dean Sophie of Woods Beyond' engraved on it in beautiful Caveat. 'So that's where she went after our story,' Rafal mused. He threw the comforters off his body and jumped to the cold stone floor. At least Sophie tells him it's cold. He walked over to the table and took notice of the stack of papers on it. A Glittering blue F rested on the first sheet which made Rafal chuckle. His eyes scanned the words and realised that it was an essay assignment by the new evil schoolmaster. It was supposed to be a 3 parchment long composition on how betrayal, disloyalty and fake love can do to shape a villain.

Most of them confused it for writing ways of inducing fake love, how to make someone trust you then break their souls, betraying your company, love spells, discrowning and shaming. All measly first year subjects that he couldn't help but laugh at. He began wondering why the grades was in deep ice blue rather than red. He ran a finger over the bottom of his eyes and realised they were the colour of his eyes. He shuffled through the papers and stopped when his eyes came to rest on a much smaller A in the corner of a parchment. His eyes scanned the words and his jaw dropped. This person knows more than a thing or two about betrayal.


Betraying a person isn't that hard. Once you have learned how to strip your soul of guilt it is easy to betray, steal and lie. Betrayal is once more an important......

The essay continued fluently in dead-on accuracy and grammar. The person had used the first page to describe betrayal, the second for disloyalty and the last for fake love. The next page was filled to the brim with conclusions and results.

Betrayal to the soul can teach to harden. Betraying someone will teach of the weakness of gilt and shame of these actions......

Disloyalty will build up survival instincts in choosing a side and will help you serve as a double-agent...........

Fake love is to be stepped and spat on. Real love is bad enough. Fake love will strip of naiveness and will teach you to look through the skin, eyes, muscles and deep into the heart......

He couldn't have written a better one himself. He scanned the paper for a name but came up empty. Anonymous. He sighed and placed the paper back down. All the best villains end up dead anyways. He heard the click of the door and turned towards it, finger glowing. The black ethereal light casted shadows across the room. He had forgotten all about his finger glow. The door opened, revealing Sophie in a snakeskin cape, emerald green robes with a golden braid hanging off her shoulder. She yelped at the sight of him, making her drop the purse she had on her arm and the many brown leather bags in her hands. She sighed as she realised it was just him and began to pick them up. Rafal stepped behind her and closed the door before using a strong lock charm on it.

"You're awake," Sophie breathed out as she placed the bags on the table. "Missed me?," Rafal asked with a smirk as he drew her in by the waist, pulling her flush against him. "Very," Sophie replied mischievously in a sly tone. "Well then I'm all yours now," Rafal whispered. Sophie's cheeks flushed red and Rafal watched as it creeped onto the top of her brows. She bit her lip as if holding something something back. Rafal landed an agonisingly slow long kiss on her lips. He pulled her bottom lip away from her teeth with his own before gently releasing it and looking at her with sincere eyes. "You can tell me anything. What is it?," Rafal asked gently.

"How do I make this last?," Sophie asked, her voice cracking. Tears were rolling out of her emerald eyes as they searched his for an answer. "You don't have to," Rafal whispered. "Good things never last," Sophie mumbled, throwing her head to the side. "True. But we're not Good. Though that doesn't mean we'll last, I know we'll last," Rafal replied with a sad smile. He knew what she meant. He would've said the same. Love has wronged her so many times. Tedros, Agatha and her father. People who should've loved her the first time they saw her. Rafal hooked his thumb under her chin, forcing her to look at him. "You know I've had thousands of things during my lifetime but never did I have a girl to call my own. Even if I did you would still be the best. You were the best thing that's ever been mine and I intend to keep you mine," Rafal whispered slowly as he placed their foreheads together. Sophie's hands wove their way into his thick cloud-like hair as she inched closer.

When Sophie's warm lips touched his Rafal felt his mind sear with heat and his heart pierce with an invisible hot and cold spear. His arms tighten around Sophie's body as they traveled upwards until they rested on her back. Sophie pushed against him with equal force, bunching his hair in her fists. Sophie's back arched making Rafal lean forward to keep the contact. Rafal slipped his tongue inside her open mouth. Feeling her shudder he smirked. "Rafal...," Sophie moaned against his lips. "You said you wanted to make this last......then let it last," Rafal replied as he pulled her impossibly closer. Her long blonde lashes ticked the skin under his eyelids as she giggled into the kiss. She pulled away before resting her head on his chest, still laughing. "What's so funny?," Rafal teased. "Nothing. Your stubble was tickling me," Sophie replied as she looked up and traced her finger over his jawline with a smile. She felt the rough patchy hair under her fingers and giggled again. Rafal rolled his eyes jokingly as Sophie looked back into his eyes. "Are you done yet?," Rafal teased. Sophie nodded. "Then let's continue," Rafal said with a smirk. He crushed his lips against hers.

Sophie felt something crawl up her spine and the chill passing through her as goosebumps raised on her skin. Her heart and mind was in a state of silence while her body rioted against each other. There was nothing better that this feeling to her. Just him being here is enough. That was until Sophie heard a high pitched scream from her doorway. Sophie peeked open one eye and gasped, breaking the kiss. There stood with her almighty all this time well-hidden fury was Professor Clarissa Dovey. With her elegantly aged cheeks soaring red and her eyes bulging out in disbelief. Rafal's eyes widened. They were in trouble.


I'm back! 😆😝🤩🎉🎊 And yes it is great to be back. Finally the goddam disease (also known as writer's block) has been driven out of my mind. I'm sorry for pausing so long but my mind was nearly a piece of brick.

I was like, "I got nothing" for months. Who knew writer's block lasts that long? Oh well I know ya'll hat these so I'm gonna close my return/apology chapter here.

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