'It's a lonely thing, protecting a breakable heart'

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"Are you sure you're ok?" Tommy asked Laney for what must have been the 20th time that day. It had been a week since Chris had broken up with her. And for the past week Laney had been like a robot. She went to work, came home and went straight to her room. She didn't laugh, she didn't even smile. It was beginning to worry Zoey and Tommy just a little bit. This particular evening, they were leaving the LA studio. Re-shoots would be done in the next couple of weeks and Laney was ready to be finished and start her next project, away from the Marvel cast.

"I'm ok." She said sternly. "I'm going to skip dinner tonight. You and Zoey go out."

"No, you and I are going to dinner." Tommy shook his head. "We haven't spent any time together almost all summer just the 2 of us."

"You're just babysitting me." She muttered rolling her eyes.

"Laney, I am not babysitting you. I am worried about you, but I miss you. You're hurting, and I get that. But it's my job to be there for you. Besties remember?" He gave her a silly smile.

Laney had to give in with half a smile.

"I FINALLY got you to smile!" He cheered triumphantly.

"Thank you." Laney said sincerely. "You really have been amazing. Not just lately, but always. Zoey is a lucky girl."

"Oh, yeah about that love. Can we talk about that?" He shifted uncomfortably.

"I don't know. It depends on what about." Laney eyed him as they climbed into her jeep.

"I really like her a lot. But I'm going back to London after summer is over. And she'll be here, or New York. I just don't know that I'm ready for a long-distance relationship." He admitted.

"Oh." Laney frowned. "Have you talked to her about it? I mean maybe you guys can just keep it casual."

"I don't think that's what she wants. She's talking about flying to see me and asking when I'll be in the states again. And I start filming Far From Home soon. I'll be in London."

"Before you say anything else to me, talk to her. That's what I would want. For you to come to me and be upfront and honest."

Tom nodded, "Think she'll hate me?"

"Nah, it's impossible to hate you." She leaned over playfully pinching his arm.

The next evening Laney was lying on her couch eating Ben and Jerry's watching The Bachelor with a scowl on her face. She was trying to figure out the appeal of the show or the appeal of fighting 10 other women for another man's affection in front of millions of people.

Zoey came in the door and Laney turned her head, "Hey." She called, "I don't get this show."

"Tom broke up with me." Zoey spat out before falling on the couch next to Laney with a little sob.

"What? No. He did?" Laney tried to sound surprised. She felt awful lying about it. But thought it might hurt Zoey more if she knew Tom had confided in her before doing it.

"He said he wasn't ready for long distance. And I understand that. It's just I really like him." Zoey took the spoon from Laney's hand and took a bite of ice cream.

"I'll grab another spoon." Laney stuck her lower lip out sympathetically before jumping up. "Wait." Laney called from the kitchen, "Does this mean you won't come to Napa?"

"No I don't think so. I mean Tom's whole family will be there. He has to go. I don't want it to be awkward." Zoey took the spoon from Laney's hand, dipped it in the ice-cream carton before handing the carton back to Laney.

"It won't be awkward. Tom's not like that."

Zoey gave Laney a look, "Would you go if it were Chris and his whole family?"

"No." Laney grumbled. "But I'm sad you won't be there."

"Tom and Harrison will be there. He's still your best friend." Zoey propped her feet up on the coffee table and slouched down low on the couch. "Have you heard anything more from Tom?"

"Hiddleston? No. Not since that night. He's done shooting reshoots so he hasn't been at work. I'm just keeping my distance."

"Have you talked to Chris?" Zoey asked softly.

Laney shook her head. "He's been on set most days I'm there. And he's kept it professional. But it's a cold professional. I was hoping he'd cool off and be up for talking but......"

"Still could. Give him time. I know how crazy he was about you. He's just hurt."

Laney shrugged. "Maybe. Maybe that's not enough."

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