'Sometimes its better to be alone, no one can hurt you that way'

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Sliding into the car that was waiting for her, Laney shifted in the seat to make room for Chris next to her.

The car ride, like their walk moments ago, was silent. Laney unzipped the side pocket of her purse, pulled out a simple gold ring and slid it onto her middle finger.

"You know he had planned on breaking up with me for days. Maybe weeks. I'm pretty sure he went straight to the airport after dumping me. All the arrangements had been made." Laney broke the silence. "I had no clue it was coming. How pathetic."

"Laney you are not pathetic. I think you're the strongest woman I know. How many chicks could come out and act as professional as you did today. And every day."

"Thanks." She replied softly, looking down at her hands she twirled the ring on her finger. "What if I told you this is the ring he gave me to celebrate one year together." She held her hand up to show him the glistening ring. "Would you think I'm pathetic now?"

"I'll never think you're pathetic." Chris said in the darkness. He was barely able to make out her features only catching glimpses under the passing street lights.

"I don't know why I'm telling you this. I haven't told anyone." Laney sighed leaning her head back against the seat of the car.

"Not even Tommy." Chris said his voice teasing.

Laney smiled in response. "No."

"I'm glad you feel comfortable enough to talk to me about it. And if it makes you feel any better I think he's an idiot. If I had you I wouldn't blow it."

Laney ducked her head in attempt to hide her flushing red cheeks. Glancing at her blushing smile through the dark, Chris grinned to himself.

Laney's onset schedule was much more laid back the next day. She found herself in her trailer a little after lunch time with a plate from craft services eating alone. The rest of the cast, that were not currently filming but had to be on set, were all out being social, however Laney felt like an outsider. For the past 4 months she had isolated herself from everyone, due to her 'mourning'. And the last time she was on this set she had been dating Tom and was with him every second she wasn't filming. If he was filming and she wasn't, she was close by. Aggravated with herself for being 'that girl' who became so fixated on some guy she let everything else fall by the wayside Laney shoved a piece of roll into her mouth. She had been alone for the past 4 months and now here she was, still alone, sitting in her trailer feeling like she didn't have a friend in the world all because she had put Tom above everything else.

"KNOCK KNOCK." Tom Holland pushed open Laney's trailer door. "Why are you eating in here by yourself?" He asked.

Laney shrugged.

"Come on. I have some free time, come eat with me and Evans."

Laney's nose wrinkled, and she groaned, "No, don't make me go out and socialize."

Holland rolled his eyes, "He's not out there."

"Who?" Laney played dumb shoving another bite of food in her mouth.

"You know who. The other Tom. The one who's not as good looking." He winked at her.

Laney laughed. "I'm not avoiding him."

"Yes you are." Tom crossed his arms.

They starred at each other for a moment before Tom broke, "Please Laney. I need my Delaney Rae." He stuck out his lower lip.

"You can come in and eat with me." She offered.

"What would people say?......On second thought." He stepped up into the trailer shutting the door behind him with a sly grin.

Laney laughed again, "Ok, OK, Come on. Let's go find Evans."

Grateful for a break Chris sat down balancing his plate on his lap before shoving a chicken leg into his mouth. Laney's voice caught his attention and he turned his head to see her coming his way with Holland.

"Go to a table man." Holland pointed.

Chris shrugged. "Didn't think you were coming back."

"Told you I was going to get Laney. She was eating alone in her trailer."

"Tom!" Laney scolded.

Tom shrugged. "I told her the coast was clear."

"Dude!" Her eyes grew wide.

Chris chuckled. "He's on set."

"Not you to." Laney eyed him.

Chris stood up still laughing and walked over to grab a table.

Sitting down with Tom and Chris Laney nibbled on her food. Her eyes cautiously watching every person walking by.

Tom and Chris exchanged a glance.

"You're shook." Tom finally said leaning back in his chair clasping his hands behind his head.

"No, I'm not." Laney said defensively.

Chris nodded in agreement.

Laney sighed, "Yesterday was the first time I've seen him, ok? There are no feelings left there. Just not sure where I fit in here without being one part of Liddleston." She admitted faintly throwing up air quotes when she said their ship name.

"Oh shit Laney, I'm sorry." Tom sat back up. "I didn't mean to get you upset."

"It's fine. I'm not upset." Laney pushed some food around on her plate.

"MY PEOPLE!" Mackie called as he walked up, "What they got good to eat today?" He sniffed the air.

"Chicken." Chris shoved another bite in his mouth.

"DELANEY." Mackie flipped the chair around backwards, straddling it he sat  down resting  his arms on the back of it.

"Anthony." She raised her eyebrows.

"How you doin'?"


"Hiddleston was stalking the shit out of you this morning girl."

"What?" Laney almost choked on her food.

"Homeboy was practically pacing looking for you. Finally had to tell him you weren't on till later."

"Shut up." Laney shoved her plate away rolling her eyes.

"Truth woman."

Chris watched Laney's demeanor change. He wasn't sure he believed there were no feelings left there and his heart sunk a little.

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