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Raegans pov

I was hanging out with Amber, and it was great. But I couldn't stop thinking about Justin. Is he mad? Is he sad? Is he happy? I don't know.. he will be fine. I mean he still has Ella or whatever the fuck her name is.
Amber tried to kiss me. Eh. She leaned in and I put my hand between our faces and she smacked my face, which didn't really hurt. And I got up and I looked at her confused. "Kiss me!" She didn't even say it cute.. it was like a demand. So I shook my head no and she got close to me and almost smacked me again but I backed up. "I'm leaving now, and don't talk to me." Andwith that I left her house. My heart wanted justin but since I've been hanging out with Amber I don't think he's a fan of me.

- at school-

We have 2 1/2 months of the project thing. And tbh I think I know why the teacher paired us up. 1. She probably saw how we treated each other. 2. It will say on our profile thing for school that we are trans. (idk how true that is but sH) Justin is amazing person and friend and that stuff. And he's very attractive, very. And he's super funny and cool. Idk he's someone I love to be around, his eyes I could stare into for hours, his smile lights up my whole world, his laugh makes my heart fly out of my whole body, his personality is just perfect. He makes me so happy. Him. I love him. No one else. Him. Amber doesn't make me feel that way, justin does. I need to snap out of it.
I walk into that class which is English class. And Justin sits in the front which he never does because he plays on his phone, so he sits in the back usually. "Go get with your partner!" I Hear justin sigh has he heard the teacher say that. Which kinda made me sad, but at the same time I fucked it up this time so. He comes back and sits next to me and it's kinda awkward I'm not going to lie. "Hey" Justin said out of nowhere I just say it back. "Sorry about Amber, bad mistake." I kind looked at my desk and picked up a pencil to fidget with he puts his hand on my shoulder, which gave me chills. "It's alright, Ella was a bad mistake too." I look at him and smile and smiles back and then we start talking about how we been, and some other random topics.
"I like storms." He looks at me weird "how?! Don't you get scared?" I laughed at how he gets scared easily. "Storms make ya scared huh?" I said rasing my eyebrow. "Uhhhh. Nooooo" as he said that it was a joking tone while looking around the room and we just laugh. The teacher comes up to us "getting along, I see." She said in a happy tone. We both smile "nope. Hate that guy!" I said pointing at Justin laughing. Justin smacks my hand lightly "mhm.." I smile and put my arm around his neck for a 'hug' idk what to call it. The teacher smiles and leaves to talk to other groups. Which oddly a lot seem to be getting along. Besides a few of them of course, but a lot of them are getting along. Me and Justin have different classes now so we head our separate ways sadly

- Justin's pov-

It was the last class of the day and I sat down and I don't really pay attention. I never really ever did, but like something was on my mind. Well, everything was on my mind. Ella broke up with me which I don't care, obviously. But did Raegan an Amber ever.. date? Like are they a thing now..? I can't just ask, actually yeah I'll ask tomorrow in English.
Okay it sucks ass bc I'm sick and I have been stressed I'm sorryyyyy but ye

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