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Justin's pov

Raegan told me to wait outside on the side of his home so his dad couldn't see me. I thought it would be hard to get him to be my friend again. I guess we just needed to talk, that's what we did so I mean. I'm actually scared. I told my mom I was going to a friends house named Noah. I don't know anyone named 'Noah' but she didn't care yay. Like what if Rae's dad sees me. It will be okay. I need to break up with Ella.. I don't like her. I like Raegan, a lot. I'm not even gonna worry about it. Yeah. That's a good idea.
We were in Raegans room, with his door locked. And we are talking very low because uh.. duh. And his dad  bangs on the door and I slide under the bed, very uncomfortable. "Your girlfriend is here." My heart kinda breaks then sinks a little bit. "I don't have a girlfri-" "Hey Rae Rae!" I know that voice, Amber. What's funny.. that's one of Ella's bestfriends. Hm.. something is up.. "okay dad byeee" I heard it lock. I get up out under the bed. "Why are you here?" I snap very rudely bc I'm pissed off at her she giggles "to ruin your guys life of course" in a preppy tone of voice.. I hate this son of a bitch. She was soooo basic too; she has long blonde hair, Starbucks in her hand, fuK face of makeup, belly shirt that exposed a ton of her stomach, short shorts, pink flip flops, and her voice was that high pitch preppy thing. Basic. I hated her before the park. Raegan did look at her up and down and smiled at her. He's bi so he probably thinks she's.. pretty.. i was kinda heartbroken. They were talking, laughing, smiling. "Hey, we should hang out sometime your really cool." Raegan said with a smile. She obviously agreed.. of course right when I get him to be my friend this bitch comes around. Wait, is this what the one girl was talking about.. no no. She said my girlfriend would hurt me.

- next morning-

I woke up, on the floor because Amber was the guest so Raegan and her slept in the same bed. But the bitch was gone and I was confused. "Where's the bit-Amber?" I say stopping myself "she went home, sadly." Oooh I wanted to slap the stupid out of him. "She's really pretty and funny!" You know my heart is just gone. Like, we never needed it anyway. "You like me! Not her." I say whisper yelling y'know. "Justin, I'm gonna give that up. You have a girlfriend, I can't wait forever." I wanted to cry, forever. "Am I pretty?" I mumbled he heard me but he doesn't answer.. I want her to disappear. " I can't hang out tomorrow, I'm going on a date with Amber. I can't believe she asked me on a date! Isn't this cool justin!" I just sadly nod. Date. Raegan going on a date. That isn't you. "Fuck!" I scream as soon as I say that he glares at me and I cover my mouth and luckily Raegans dad just went out the door for work. "You should go now." He says "Raegan.." I say looking at him sadly but i don't know if he caught that. "Justin. Me and Amber want to hang out, alone." I just walk out of his room looking down. I knew he meant later and he was going to get ready, clean his room take a shower all that. "Justin, why are you so sad all of a sudden?" I look at him "you don't love me like I love you anymore." I look away and with that, I'm out the door. And I'm wondering what the pretty boy will do with his dream girl.
It's hard to update now sorry :(

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