Chapter 15: Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating Faster

Start from the beginning

I close my eyes, feeling the tears that I didn't know were there fall down my face.

I just hate how I'm always the one that's abandoned. I'm just always thrown away, just some piece of trash. And to think that I actually thought this was going to be my forever home. From past experience, I'm assuming I'm going back into the system. Not surprising though, I'm just some fucked up kid who's mom got murdered by her father.

I'm fucked up and no one will ever be able to help me.

More tears fall down my face as I lay there, the music from the concert barely audible. I lay on the couch, on my back, staring up at the ceiling. Questioning myself on what to do next.

Normally when I'm upset, I listen to my music. Yea, just listen to some music and relax.

I arch my butt, reaching into my back pocket to get out my earbuds and phone. I feel my phone, but not my earbuds. Fuck, I must've forgotten them in the bus.

I groan, not wanting to get up, and sit up in my seat. Getting up from the couch, I trudge over to the door and wipe away the remaining of my tears. I grab my pass from the table sitting next to door before I leave the dressing room. Shutting the door behind me, I go down the hallways towards where the buses are parked. I flash a few security guards my pass as I walk by. They nod their heads before I finally make it out to the parking lot. The music sounds more clear from the outside than how it was from the dressing room.

"In the Vegas Lights
Where villains spend the weekend
The deep end
We're swimming with the sharks until we drown."

I hear Brendon's voice in the distance. My feet hit the pavement to the beat. I look down at my feet as go towards the bus.

I walk up to the bus. Going to open the door of it until I notice it's already opened slightly. Hmm, according to every horror film in existence I should probably not go in there but I need to listen to my music.

I ignore my thoughts and head in the bus anyways. Walking into darkness, I feel around for the light switch on the wall. Finally feeling it, I flick it on: nothing.

I reach in my back pocket for my phone. Getting it out, I turn on the flashlight which illuminates the room.

I flash it around the lounge until the light catches a dark figure standing in the bunk area.

What the—

Before I can even think, the figure comes at me and grabs me. The impact makes my phone fall out of my hands and fall on the floor. Unfortunately, the side with the flashlight facing down making the room completely dark again.

"LET ME GO!!" I scream, trying to get out of his grip.

Something hard comes in contact with my head and I'm on the ground in an instant. I grab my head with my hands, my head throbbing in pain. I curl up in a ball, gripping my head tight in my hands. The feeling of blood gets on my fingers and in my hair.

A hard pressure, a kick, lands on my back knocking the wind right out of me. I cough as my lungs cry out for air.

There comes another blow to my head in which this one makes me dizzy. My head reels in dizziness and then I start seeing white.

The white turns into black and then I pass out completely.


Brendon's POV (*evil laughter*)

Fall Out Boy finishes their set and walk off stage. They meet up with the rest of my band and greet us. We all start walking towards the dressing rooms.

Hopefully Brooklyn isn't still mad at me.

I make it to the door first and open it. I expect to see her in there but she isn't.

"Brooklyn?" I call out. "Are you in here?" I look around the dressing room and she's not there.

"Maybe she's in the tour bus?" Dallon says from behind me. I walk forward into the dressing room letting the others in.

"Um maybe? I'm gonna call her." I take out my phone and go to my most recent and click her contact. I click the 'call' button and put the phone up to my ear.






"I'm sorry, you have reached the voicemail of—"

I click the end call button and sigh.

"She didn't pick up." I look at my phone at her contact.

"Maybe she's asleep." Sarah says coming up from behind me. "I'm sure she's fine."

I glance at her and nod, "I hope so."

Something is wrong, I can feel it but everyone else seems to just not worry about it. They're telling me that everything is alright but my gut says otherwise.

The band and I change back into our normal clothes and round up all of our stuff to head back to the tour bus.

The entire walk there I felt uneasy. I don't know if it's just the dad senses that I had developed or just my overall anxiety. Either way I was anxious, hoping that everything was okay.

We make it to the bus, me being the first one to get on. I turn on the lights, no Brooklyn. I go straight to the bunks. Please let her be sleeping.

I open the privacy curtain and she isn't there.

At this point my heart started racing, my anxiety getting the best of me. I hear someone call my name but the beating of my heart is the only thing I can focus on.

I run to the bathroom in hopes that she might be there.

"Brooklyn!!" I pound on the door. No response.

Right now I was really freaking out. I started hyperventilating and everything started to become a blur. I bang on the door again, maybe she didn't hear me.

"Brendon!" Sarah yells from behind me.

"What!" I turn to her. Her expression that of sadness and worry. "She isn't here." She hands out her phone.

"W-What do you mean-"

"I found something!" Someone yells from the lounge.

Sarah and I run into the lounge to find everyone huddling around Kenny with a piece of paper in his hand.

"What is it?" I gulp.

Kenny looks up with pure horror in his face. He hands the paper to me and I quickly rip it out of his grasp.

I read over the paper quickly, the first few words making my heart fall to the pit of my stomach.

I have her.


Oh shit

Well... get ready my dudes cause shit is gonna go through the roof from now on so look forward to that

But ya, thank you all for reading! 2K VIEWS HOLY SHIT Y'ALL THANK YOU SO SO MUCH ❤️❤️❤️

but ya I think I'm gonna go back to sleep now, thanks for reading my fellow bad bitches

stay bad xx

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