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Taehyung's (pov)
"Y/N!!" I gasped leaving my hyungs to fight off the sick bastard that hurt my best friend and help jimim, i felt so much guilt that I wasn't their to save her.. no to protect her. Suga rushed to my side and put a hand on my shoulder "she'll be okay." He said wiping my tears away that I didn't know were rolling down my cheeks, "i feel useless." I whispered holding y/n in my arms moving a strand of hair out of her face. I never realized how beautiful she was her beautiful plump pink tinted lips parted slightly as she laid passed out her long soft silky
y/c hair, her fair smooth skin shined a little and the way a few strands of hair fell out of her ponytail into her face. I found everything about her perfect even her cute little frame, finally after a few minutes the figure fled and the rest if bts looked over my shoulder while jungkook picked up jimin hyung. Sighing of relief that y/n was breathing I picked her up and carried her to my place, reaching the big house or should i say mansion that stood in front of us I waited for jungkook to open the door for me. Jungkook did and i smiled at him giving him my boxy smile while walking upstairs to my room, setting her on my bed I went to go take a shower while jin hyung cooked dinner and the rest sat in the living room watching god knows what kind of movies.

Your pov (first perosn)
Groaning i slowly opened my eyes blinking a few times my vision cleared, i could hear the shower running sighing i was glad i wasn't locked up or in some dungeon but in Taehyung's house. Cuddling Taehyung's pillow i took a deep breath inhaling his scent, "why do you have to smell so good?" I muttered only to notice the shower was off. Groaning and gasping for air I felt the bed dip and suddenly a lot of weight was on top of me, "holy cow Taehyung get off I can't breathe!" I whined gasping for air earning a laugh form Taehyung. Smirking I pushed the big doofus off me he rolled off the bed hitting the floor with a thud, "owww y/n~ah! That hurt." He whined getting up and rubbing his butt "good you were crushing me." I said sitting up and fixing my ponytail thats when it hit me all the events came back to me like a nightmare, "what happened?" I asked remembering the weird serum the hooded figure injected into my neck. "Well you were attacked along with jimin and i found you the hyungs beat the man that attacked you and he fled off." He said frowning then looked up at you concerned, "did he do anything thing to you? Are you okay?" He asked worry lacing his words giggling at my friend worry for me I whispered. "Tae I'm fine i just got the wind knocked out of me, got bitch slapped it hurt a hella lot and maybe got some weird kinda serum injected into me." I said softly then realized something completely blocking out my best friend that was holding my chin and moving my head checking me for any cuts or scrapes.
What will the serum do?

Will it kill me?

I don't want to die!

What if it was poison?

Is jiminie okay?

I'm scared.

By now I didn't realize i was crying softly Taehyung wiped away the tears rolling down my cheeks and pulled me into his chest wrapping me into a tight embrace. "I'm sorry." I whispered in between quiet sobs Taehyung just shook his head and rubbed my back, it was calming i soon found myself slipping back into the darkness.

ᗷEᔕT ᖴᖇIEᑎᗪᔕ| Taehyung x reader (werewolf AU)Where stories live. Discover now