Day 17

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Jimin came to the shop the next day. This time he wasn't alone.

As usual Ara was on her phone scrolling through wattpad waiting for Jimin when the door opened.

She ran to the counter and her eyes widened seeing Jimin with another boy.

He had blonde hair which was grown into a mullet and he had a smile on his face that reminded Ara of a box for a weird reason. He was much taller compared to Jimin....

"You must be Ara, I'm Taehyung." He said offering you his hand. Ara took it while giving him a tight smile.

"Jimin's told me about you." she replied.

"Well, Jimin hasn't stopped talking about you."

Ara blushed and looked at Jimin to see his cheeks glow a bright red.

Ara gave Jimin his ice cream and looked at Taehyung waiting for his order. He was busy ogling at Jungkook who was bobbing his head to the music he was listening to.

"Oh, I'll take one scoop of cookie dough, please." He said but his eyes never left Jungkook.

Jimin gave Ara a soft smile before walking out with Taehyung who swallowed the entire scoop of ice cream in his mouth in one go.

He'll be a perfect match for Jungkook.

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