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Although you'd talked about your family enough I felt like I already knew them, the idea that I would be meeting them was completely nerve-wracking. It wasn't that I didn't think they would like me, because I'd like to think I'm a pretty likeable guy. I was sure they'd like me enough as a person, but as their daughter's boyfriend? Well, that I wasn't so sure.

I'd never really celebrated the holidays much since moving to the US. I'd flown home for Christmas a few times here and there, but as my residency schedule had gotten more and more hectic, Facetiming my mother on Christmas morning had become the extent of my holiday traditions.

And Thanksgiving? Well, that's a purely American holiday you know. I'd never experienced a thanksgiving dinner in the traditional sense up until this point. But that was about to change.

"Are you ready?" you said, as you reached your hand to clasp it with mine as we drug our suitcases behind us on the shiny airport floor.

"As ready as I'll ever be," I offered a reassuring smile. You saw right through me.

"Don't be nervous Harry. They are going to love you, honestly. Just be yourself okay?"

"Okay," I said giving your hand a little squeeze before we walked out the doors of the airport to find your parents.

"Olivia!" I heard a voice exclaim, and we glanced over to see a woman who I could only assume was your mother. You rushed over to her and she immediately enveloped you in a warm embrace.

You had always told me how important your family was to you. You were a tight-knit household, and living halfway across the country from your family took its toll on you from time to time. I think that's why I was so nervous to meet your family in the first place, because I knew that they were one of the most important pieces of your life. If they didn't approve of me, you wouldn't pick me over them.

"Mom, this is Harry," you said, pulling me over towards your mother.

"Oh, Harry it's so nice to finally meet you! We've heard so much about you," she pulls me into a hug as well, as if she's known me for years. It's then that I finally feel a wave of relief wash over me. Your mother seemed so welcoming, it was hard to imagine this trip could go awry.

"It's nice to meet you too Mrs. Bennett," I said with a smile after your mother finally let me go from her grasp.

"Oh, don't you Mrs. Bennett me," she said with a wave of her hand. "Call me Amy."

You glanced up at me and give me a smile of approval.

"Well, we better not keep your father waiting in the car," your mother said. And with that we grabbed our bags and made our way out of the airport.

Your father greeted me with a firm handshake and a polite smile. I could tell he was watching my every move and analyzing my every word, but I suppose that is what fathers are supposed to do.

You'd told me there had only ever been two previous boyfriends who had met your parents. On one hand, this made for low competition, I knew our relationship was far stronger than any of your ex's. But on the other hand, this meant that this wasn't something that your family took lightly, which was obvious by the way your father kept looking back at me through the rear view mirror during the drive from the airport to your house.

"So Harry, Olivia tells us you are a resident in the ER?" your father asked from his perch at the head of the dining table.

"That is correct sir," I replied with a nod.

"Probably keeps you pretty busy, that's definitely not a 9-5 job now is it?" your father continues. I could see where this was going and it wasn't necessarily good.

"It does keep me busy, yes. But I think it just forces me to prioritize the important things in my life," I paused glancing over at you and entwining my hand with yours under the table. "Like this one." I smiled.

Your mom's faced formed into a smile. Your dad gave me a nod that might have signaled that he approved of his answer. I couldn't be quite sure.

The night continued smoothly. Your mother is one of the sweetest people I'd ever met. Your father grows less and less intimidating as the night goes on. I began to think of how nice this was, this family that you had. It wasn't anything like my family. My family could barely stand to be in the same room together without an argument. This was different. Your family was what I'd always imagined a family to be. Full of laughs and love and support. It was the family I had wanted for so long. And maybe it could be mine, in the future.

Later that night, when your parents had went to bed and you snuck into the guest bedroom to spend some time with me, you rested your head against my chest as I ran my fingers through your hair.

"They like you," you smiled, gazing up at me.

"Are you sure? Your dad seemed a little intimidating," I responded. You laughed.

"That's just my dad. He acts all tough and scary, but trust me, he just wants to protect his little girl," you twirled one of the curls on the top of my head with your fingertips.

"Really?" I asked.

"I'm positive," you readjusted yourself to set your chin on my chest. "Besides, if he didn't like you, he would have kicked you out by now."

I rolled l my eyes at your attempt at sarcasm. "They love you Harry. Almost as much as I love you." You brought your lips to mine. They were soft, warm and reassuring.

"And I love you," I replied, planting another kiss on your lips.

"Well, I better get back to my room, don't want to you to fall out of my parents' good graces after today."

I groaned. I wanted to spend more time with you. But I also didn't want to piss off your parents.

"Thanks for bringing me with," I said, as you approached the door.

"Of course, Harry." you replied before leaving me alone for the night.

As I laid in bed that night, I thought about how nice it would be if one day they were my family too, if our kids grew up with a family like yours. I imagine that I might even resemble your father one day, protecting our little girl.

Spending time with your family had made me fall even more in love with you, if that was possible. It made me picture the future I could had. The future that I wanted- with you.

All the love,


All The Love, H (H.S.)Where stories live. Discover now